General Discussion

General Discussionpinging

pinging in General Discussion
You Us

    Holding down Alt and clicking on the minimap will "ping" all allied players. A colored circle with an exclamation point will appear at the location pinged, both on the minimap and on the main map. Also, a noise will sound. The pitch of the noise and the color of the circle correspond to the color of the player's name. If the ping is centered on an allied tower, a shield will be displayed there on the minimap. If the ping is centered on an opposing tower, a sword will be displayed there. If the ping is centered on a rune, then the the rune type will be shown in allied team chat.

    Holding down Ctrl and Alt and clicking the minimap will perform a "cautionary ping" to all allied players. A colored circle appears similarly to the usual ping, but is marked with an "X" instead of an exclamation point and also makes a higher pitch sound.

    for some reason, my minimap didnt show any circle or 'x' , it works fine in 'big' map btw :/

    NextStep ®

      I remember some players like to use "X ping" for all purposes.
      Confusing shit.


        Just spam both on the idiot who stayed in a lane after seeing 3-4 enemies coming at him from a nearby ward.

        Edit: Also, some weird bugs seemingly exclusive to your PC can only be fixed by deleting Dota2 and installing it again. Well, maybe there's more ways, but that's the most foolproof one.

        Este comentário foi editado

          I spent so much time reading this lol.

          You Us

            the question only in last line lol

            delete, and download around 10-11 GB ? nevermind then....


              You can read a book, do some exercise, so something productive or you another game in the meantime. I mean, surely Dota2 isn't your only source of entertainment isn't it? :P

              Don't Ban SF

                you can backup the game from someone else's then restore it in yours , saves time. requires 4-5 mins

                Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

                  If you right click your minimap you should be able to move your hero only using the minimap. If that also doesn't work, then you probably need to adjust the console var "dota_minimap_misclick_time"