General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed good lineup ASAP!

Need good lineup ASAP! in General Discussion

    we're having a tournament later on like 2 hours from now and our captain wouldn't be here in time so i'm taking his role. Can some1 give me ideas about who to pick and who to not.
    PS: I'm the worst captain

    Fuyumi Ai Best Waifu

      first pick LC , silencer, magnus, tidehunter and witchdoctor/Omni

      bans : rubick, lycan, jakiro, spec, brew *not in particular order

      early game :
      initiate with magnus

      midgame :
      if lc managed to grab blink, let lc initiate for the rest of the game
      duel then silencer ulti and then go for cleanup with either RP or ravage

      Este comentário foi editado


        Pick favourite good team, adjust picks for situation/players.


          just pick ogre and tide/centaur..


            ogre magnus pa venge tide / cent

            ogre puts bloodlust on pa

            magnus puts empower on pa

            tide or cent buy blink and jump into the enemies


              have some fun with it

              pick et and zeus