General Discussion

General DiscussionLets pray together

Lets pray together in General Discussion

    Ok i got this deep thought about this shit when i was in shower this morning.
    First thing was i think about what i can do personally just to make me play better in my next games or future games even if it's just assumption

    Then what? i think i gonna believe to new God,or i call it the "Win Streak God" that i will gonna pray for.
    And if remembered, this God once ever gif a hand to me even though im not pray for him yet,it was when my party mmr 3800 and i got just 11 win streak twice in less than a week and not followed by lose streak of 5 or more till mmr still fly around 4300

    Hopefully someday he'll answer my pray and gif me 200 win streak after i make this thread consider from my contribution to reveal his existence

    Now what do you think? did it need to have name specifically or i just call it Win Streak God?


      I hear you bro! If there is "MMR hell", there must be "MMR heaven" too. All you need is to believe.

      P.S. Wait, aren't you supposed to be good to be allowed to enter MMR heaven?

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          @soultrap yeah.. i think maybe i must believe to not having some trial like 1 of my friend got. he got back to low 3k twice and bounce back to low 4k. if i think about that he got approximately around 40 lose streak and then get 40 win streak but get 40 lose streak again and finally got 40 win streak again.. recently hes ok now. But,should i inform about this god to him and pray together?

          @[Lk].Zano i think no,coz its already exist somewhere out there that can make my prayer wrong addressed