General Discussion

General Discussionwhy cant i win dota?

why cant i win dota? in General Discussion
Fuyumi Ai Best Waifu

    ^ title

    NextStep ®

      You have no talent. Suck it up boi.

      "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

        Dota isnt about winning its about flaming those on your team for being bad or on the other team for being bad


          because reasons

          Fuyumi Ai Best Waifu

            wat reasons

            i left her


              jess the goat

                gaben bless your poor soul


                  because you are anime boy

                  Mr Mental

                    Hey look buddy, i'm a 2k support player, that means i solve problems.
                    Not problems like what is love or beauty, because that would fall within the purview of your conundrums of philosophy.
                    I solve practical problems.
                    For instance, how am i going to prevent my dumb ass team from feeding? The answer, is a ward. And if that don't work buy more wards.
                    Like this fine 8 eyed ward purchased by me, placed by me.
                    And you best hope, that your team knows how to use them.
                    Otherwise you can threaten their mothers and insult them in different creative ways.

                    Fuyumi Ai Best Waifu

                      do i need help katka?


                        try rikimaru


                          :D :D :D :D wat is dis :")


                            95% of people you play with on a new account are not actually new. Thinking you can remake an account and stomp noobs is no longer a thing and if you made a smurf a year+ ago you may have been ok, but that isn't the case. I think your issue is, is that you're expecting easier games so are picking "yolo" heroes or heroes you think you will stomp or snowball with and that isn't happening.

                            Another blaring issue is that in almost all your games someone has abandoned and this aligns classically with the smurf effect where people feel they were dealt a bad hand by lord gaben instead of accepting that they're bad and need help. Obviously if Dota2 isn't your thing then getting better isn't an issue as it's just a casual game for you. However, if you're bent on winning, improving and climbing MMR then you will actually need help or get coached.

                            I am happy to do this for you as I have done for others and I will give you what you need to help you improve but what you do with that is up to you. Theory crafting is for suckers and I will give you practical ways to up your game, which will over time see you climb and start to improve. While I don't solo and don't really care too much about MMR there are a lot of people that do and if you fall in this bracket you will need help not achieving the rating, but getting the skill that will see you achieve the rating.


                              dat fail smurf

                              Fuyumi Ai Best Waifu

                                oh no i won a game :< sad roadto500 mmr is gone


                                  Again, another abandon. This was an accidental win and I think the team left thinking it was not going to be recorded.


                                    Weird with so many abandons


                                      just play slark. its your best hero. :3


                                        havoc tell me why i suck please, i am not even a smurf


                                          lol.. this was a troll thread guys


                                            what is dota, baby don't hurt me


                                              @Edoctzero I think your issue is poor hero choices and items....for example.

                                     You have a brew with no blink, sceptre, refresher, shivas etc. granted your item choices weren't so bad and the halberd and AC were good pickups but it looks like Tiny had the same item choices in mind so a shivas would have sufficed. Also you probably didn't utilize the panda's ult so well as you should be able to tornado the Bara, Huskar then focus the other down.

                                              Don't be shy about using ults on one guy, I have this issue with tides, enigmas, magnus etc. where they are holding their ults for 10 minutes waiting for the perfect ult. Pick the hardest dude to kill and ult him.

                                     When solo supporting never, ever go for a crystal maiden. The hero relies a lot on activeness early game and the protection of carries late. If you're not getting that then you're gonna feed all game. Try heroes like Abaddon, Skywrath, Oracle, so either heroes that can survive a hit or can drop a carry before they die. Seriously as CM you will get one frostbite and a nova if you're lucky as a solo support unless the game is massively in your favour.

                                              CM works well with slark and other heroes that will utilize the early game or if you have a second support which will help keep you alive and allow you to gain some farm.

                                              Your positioning could use some work as you seem to die a lot more than is normal on a support. Shit happens and supports die but you need to reduce the amount this happens by make smart decisions and positioning well. You are welcome to add me and I can go through a game or two with you to point out stuff you can correct.

                                              Este comentário foi editado

                                                Slark, Tinker, Meepo. Are you trolling?

                                                waku waku

                                                  if you don't play oracle you won't win


                                                    ^ oracle is for the pusis


                                                      @Havoc Badger
                                                      I think your video doesn't teach anything, except maybe "never give up". Because DoubleClickers gave up after very embarassing mistakes at the beginning (first blood, Invoker died, messed laning...)

                                                      Crystal Maiden is decent for solo supporting actually, because pub folks are not so good at mana management. CM makes her teammates much more active with that extra mana. Just make sure that all your teammates have magic nukes before picking that hero.

                                                      Sugar Show

                                                        delete account.
                                                        create new account.
                                                        repeat until win.


                                                          crystal maiden is an awful hero for pubs to play in general unless you're going with an aggressive trilane or planning to rotate a lot early (both of which never happen in pubs). the hero is retardedly squishy (and pubs have zero positioning skills, so they feed), has very little use post level 6 (most of her use is in the first few levels and in the laning stage)

                                                          has no zoning ability either

                                                          if you want to help ur pubbers out pick tree and max armor

                                                          Este comentário foi editado

                                                            I CAN RELATE TO TITLE RIGHT NOW :C


                                                              I'M A POOP


                                                                you need a 6.8k to carry you, that's how u win games



                                                                  well, at least I tried :c

                                                                  Tiny Airlines

                                                                    No shit I lost like 4 games in a row now. Fucking mirana the bitch needs a god damn nerf before I shoot a dog.


                                                                      @why me
                                                                      Treant is no better than CM.

                                                                      I think about it this way: Crystal Maiden can kill whole enemy team at any stage of the game, no matter how farmed they are as long as they are not immune to magic damage. It's hard to do - yes, but it's possible by the numbers, right? What tree can do?

                                                                      BTW, don't you think that Frostbite is a single target version of Overgrowth?

                                                                      Player 131019403

                                                                        git gud

                                                                        bomzh s benzopiloi

                                                                          PICK MEEPO ONLY


                                                                            lol feed more plz
                                                                            lol feed more plz
                                                                            lol feed more plz