General Discussion

General DiscussionThanksgiving weekend doto, what to expect?

Thanksgiving weekend doto, what to expect? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    What do u expect during the weekends? Better players than usual or opposite?

    I think game is hard during the weekends in general.

    "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

      That makes very little to no sense. But I expect better people because only addicted people would play on a holiday


        US servers are still basically another South American server, where that holiday is not celebrated, with just a few americans roaming. So I expect the same crap, but probably with less english.


          I just played a game on US East with four spanish speakers. I picked first and called mid, then one guy last picked dp (we needed an offlaner, not even a support) and went mid. Of course I asked him to leave but he didn't listen to so I just fed until they dc'd.


            Happened two times already, I'm feeding again.


              3 games with four peruvian teammates, yup, not playing this weekend.


                No wonder i see feeders and rq in my games cuz f4g0ts and immature ret4rds like you are in the community

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