General Discussion

General DiscussionWise One of the New Light

Wise One of the New Light in General Discussion
x marks the...

    Ok after i think a week with this annoying cancerous piece of shit they call Oracle, has anyone figured out a playstyle that seems to work and for what situations do you use your ult for, like escape or offensive. Please if you have no experience and are clueless about this hero and are just posting stuff you "read" then don't post here, i want to know how to better my play against/with this hero .

    i.e: do you save ult to save carry, use it while attacking/initiation.

    or if im way off and this guy should be run as a core than educate me please. Enighten me


      i know how to play against it, pick earth spirit.
      or any silence cuz he is a really ez target to burst down quickly.