General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestion About Hiding Match Data in Dotabuff

Question About Hiding Match Data in Dotabuff in General Discussion
Gruncle PUXXY's Calcium C...


    I had a question about how Dotabuff manages my account info. I have had the "Expose Public Match Data" setting turned off for my profile ever since Valve introduced it nearly two years ago. As such, there have been no games recorded on my profile in about 22 months and I've played several hundred more matches since.

    My questions are thus:

    1. If I enable "Expose Public Match Settings," will Dotabuff be able to find all my old matches and incorporate them into my existing statistics?

    2. Do I have the option to hide my match data from the public once exposed, but still have access to it myself? (Asking because of certain vicious players who would look up my profile and go "gg cyan noop only hav 65% winrate cyka gamburger" if I get first blooded. It's happened more than once.)

    3. If I disable my "Expose Public Match Settings" once I've re-enabled it, will I go back to being anonynmous, or will Dotabuff continue to know who I am in future matches?


    Este tópico foi editado

      The question is, why would you want to hide it?


        1. Yes, enabling the "Expose Public Match Data" allows us to identify you in matches you have played in the past. See the settings cog in the upper-right corner for help.
        2. Once we identify you in a match, the match is permanently updated and the public data for those matches will be accessible to anyone. There's no "get my data but only let me see it" setting.
        3. You can disable the "Expose Public Match Data" setting at any time and we will stop identifying you in new matches (you will appear anonymous).


          Now you can get all matches he played with stats off, or only the last 500?

          Este comentário foi editado
          Gruncle PUXXY's Calcium C...

            @Jason I think giving the ability to have your profile marked as private would be a very welcome feature, and perhaps one even worthy of buying Dotabuff Plus. I would imagine there is a small but significant population which would enjoy the in-depth analysis Dotabuff provides without the potentially detrimental exposure.