General Discussion

General Discussionmask of madness sny on ursa ROFL

mask of madness sny on ursa ROFL in General Discussion

    I have worked this with some friends I support with from time to time. It can work well with the right heroes....

    Wisp, Omniknight, or Wraith King. If you have a melee support Vlads on top of that on the support is a really good idea (2 Lifesteal types)


      More legit than ur linken in that game.


        ^ were you hoping to block stifling dagger?

        honestly it's not a horrible pick up on him if only because the 900 upgrade gives you 5% lifesteal and makes it harder to get kited.


          Wasted attack speed tho.


            Well not like he was dazzling in any other area either. Can't say I'm master of the teddy bear but damn it was sad to watch him play. Prime example of draft going horribly wrong with no communication where people are planning to lane or people blindly going for hero they decided to play before even joining the game. Now he was first competing with Medusa, then went to jungle to compete with Furion and finally went to top lane. Lots of pointless wandering around.

            Killed Roshan 11:15. Come on. The guy had PMS and morbid at 4 minute mark. When he was at base he should have bought smoke, go to jungle to get lvl 5 and do Roshan. I'm killing him normally around 6 minutes at lvl 5 with only stout and morbid.

            His mana managment was pretty bad. After getting MoM he was running constantly with low mana. And MoM can't be considered replacement for overpower...

            Personally I prefer jungle ursa. Works well enough at low rating (3k-3.2k). Unless they are constantly checking jungle and Roshan it is easy to sneak early Roshan kill. Compared to laning ursa whose location can be easily guessed after 5 min mark if he suddenly disappears for no reason.


              @Zenoth gotta block that casket!


                thank god i didnt tried it

                kanye went to uni

                  is shadow blade ever worth getting on ursa? ive always gone exactly the same morbid -> phase -> blink -> bkb -> sheep/abyssal/shivas build every game ... i never feel like i should get anything else lol


                    HEART^ ur hits hurt with ulty trust me

                    kanye went to uni

                      sometimes i get heart after those items ... just gets so frustrating when you get kited to all hell when they've gotten a force staff or something which is why i go for those items after bkb. i can see it working but idk if i want to build it before those items i listed :P


                        well idk if this build works, cuz i never tried it.
                        but i think i've seen ursa with mom and sny in my games and it was rather successful, at least for snowballing hard.
                        but you know you should't judge the build if its not something crucial that he needs, like skipping bkb against 321012304213 nukes and stuns, and unless he is getting more evasion on heroes that already have it or crits on heroes that already have it.


                          Im sorry any ursa that dosnt go vlads blink basher ect is trash sny mom is not a replacement for blink ppl will just kite him


                            also our furion afk farmed jungle and got a hand of midus..... oh and bounty hunter went dagon


                              Also your medusa was building a linkens against a team with zero single target disables to block, she had the lowest hd, zero td, died two times and had the lowest gpm and xpm in the game.

                              You're shit at the game dude, go look at your own mistakes before talking about someone else's build.


                                look at my antimage new meta build, i was beyond godlike throughout this game.

                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                  all u did was buy dagon at end game gg


                                    go etheral dagon be a man

                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                      OK OK, ppl calm the fuck down and i will show u best medusa build, just get popcorn out and watch i found this build long time ago in lp and it is da best trust me


                                        PLS STOP :'(

                                        dem lifesteals + cleave + report

                                        Este comentário foi editado
                                        Dire Wolf

                                          S&Y isn't horrible, get that move speed plus the hp will equal 21 dmg at max ult. So it's nearly a 50 dmg item. I probably wouldn't do it but it's not awful.

                                          Mask extremely situational.