General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to send someone you dont like to LPQ?!

How to send someone you dont like to LPQ?! in General Discussion

    Does it matter what you report them for? Or all 3 categories lead them to LPQ if they get them in significant numbers? Do all reports need to be in same category or only total number of reports count?

    Este tópico foi editado

      its like sending to jail someone u dont like

      come on dood dont be so mean


        Hahahaha, if only.


          when i say i dont like i mean for playing bad, not for not liking their voice or name or their cosmetics...


            sometimes you might think you are cool and play good, while the other 4 players think you are a fucking retard.


              FFS stop spamming useless shit opinions, its simple question with simple answer that can be one of following
              1) No, it doesnt matter what category, total number matters
              2) Yes, it does, person needs at least ??? number in 1 category to get punished


                everyone is entitled to an opinion, and you can't call anyone's opinion a shit opinion, because your opinions are shit.

                to answer your retarded questions : yes, no, yes


                  Thats real answer, thx.
                  Should all reports be for communication?
                  Ireport in that category every time, do others do that as well?

                  Este comentário foi editado

                    communication = mute, not lpq


                      i think i said this on another thread, i report for communication in hope that he will get muted, cuz being muted is the most annoying thing ever.

                      NextStep ®

                        "when i say i dont like i mean for playing bad, not for not liking their voice or name or their cosmetics..."

                        Woah. Report someone just because they are playing bad? Lol
                        You should be reporting on yourself then. 2k games and still normal/high skill


                          "Playing bad" is not really a reportable offence. If people mostly use the system for such bullshit reasons, Valve cannot take it seriously and has to rely on it's own data.