General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to Help My Friend Stop the Feeds

How to Help My Friend Stop the Feeds in General Discussion
playinginursockdrawer mm soc

    One of my friends recently started playing Dota 2, and every time we play together, he feeds, whether we're losing or winning. I know that everyone is terrible the first few months of dota they play, so how can I help him stop being a scrub faster?

    edit: changed make to help

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      take him to lan. when he has to pay to play and realizes he spends more time dead than actually playing he gonna reconsider his ways.

      x marks the...

        Beat him til he stops sucking. Violence is always the answer


          Share as much info as you can to help him out.


            tell him to buy more bracers


              What heroes is he playing?

              playinginursockdrawer mm soc

                He plays supports like vengeful spirit and tidehunter, but he feeds with a lot of heroes like chaos knight. Recently he's tried pulling.



                  Try to check this game

                  Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

                    Tell him to play ranged heroes and then always tell him to stay behind and don't overextend.

                    Or simply let him play solo in his own skill bracket.

                    Also, Aui suggests to stick with the same hero for your first games so that you can concentrate on learning basic mechanics.

                    Este comentário foi editado

                      Lol Smaug this is what happens when you tell a friend to stick with a hero.


                        Been watching tails from the trench quite alot of late and as much as I find it quite humerous, I also try see what glaring mistakes they are making. Mostly the item choices are shocking but the other fundamental they mess up is positioning. They always getting caught out or over extending, think thats someting you can try help him with.

                        Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

                          Nyt, of course at one point you need to do the All Hero Challenge.


                            tell them to stop. period


                              Tell him to pick riki dood


                                Tell him to always buy 2 x bracers/bands/nulls (depending on hero). For some reason new players skip small items and try to save for big ones, ending up with empty inventory.


                                  i can tech him


                                  i will teach him how to be hatermagnet in no time
                                  and make his body feel ready


                                    ^my spirit is ready


                                      omg thats nice we can use the spirit to throw rocks and get izi wins gg

                                      no report for now