General Discussion

General DiscussionHighest damage of the team

Highest damage of the team in General Discussion
NextStep ®

    So...whose fault?

    Game is hard!

      to be fair, that tb LoL



        QoP randomed and went to mid.
        Fight on the river and almost dead.
        Next he died beacouse he didn't got the blink when you know, he was just 100 hp moreless and went mid.
        Feed mid invoker, no ganks top so i go to gank there and we got nix once.
        The tide go to stacks, no wards and he get ganked to acients by ogre and drow.

        Well, the game was all fucked up. All calling me n00b beacouse i don't rambo 2 vs 4 and shit.


          axe = rambo, i go 1 x 4, not 2 x 4.


            Some games you can't win...


              Stop blogging your losses, pretty please?


                ^Mad dude who hate threads so everyone have to know

                10/10 very usefull.


                  blademail = HD

                  kanye went to uni

                    is having high hero damage on axe weird?


                      PLIS DONT RUIN THE POEM ! :'(


                        Guys, don'r you know? It's always the team.

                        He's 5k player somehow stuck in normal skill..

                        "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                          Its never anyones fault. its everyone elses fault

                          Village Whore

                            Man if only your tb had 1 more poor man's shield. This game would be in the bag


                              Hardly anyone has ever posted a positive comment in any of your threads, I'm just trying to help you get less negative stuff thrown at you.


                                Bad luck dude, I suck on rubick and QOP too though, so give those guys a break!