General Discussion

General DiscussionHero who becomes imba if you maximize its potencial...

Hero who becomes imba if you maximize its potencial... in General Discussion
white tiger

    I think it's Meepo. If you were trained in mountains by monks for 15 years, learning how to play Meepo, then you becomes unstopabble with this hero :)

    But seriously, in right hands Meepo is true evil. No matter how much MMR you have. Too pity, I can't play him well.

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      meepo is overpowered.

      he is shit hero x5.

      shit x5 = op.


        es ez


          Meepo was nerfed badly in 6.82 patch.

          I vote for Visage.


            I vote Earth Spirit and Oracle


              You don't need to maximize Meepo's potencial for him/them to be imba. Hero is broken.


                Ez rape and raped in my tier


                  ''Meepo clones' boot item slots now match whichever slot Meepo Prime has his boots in.''

                  RIP meepo


                    INVOKER MEEPO WIIL GET RAPED

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                        I think that 6.82 favours meepo pretty well.


                          This is not the only change that affects Meepo. Main problem is that since 6.82 patch every time Meepo dies he gives away a lot of XP and gold to enemy team, because this hero tends to have higher level and more gold than everybody else on the map.

                          P.S. Current Meta favors tanky or elusive heroes, who are not likely to die and give a chance to comeback for enemy team.
                          P.P.S. Why Omni has so high winrate you think?

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