General Discussion

General DiscussionAbandons Counting as stats

Abandons Counting as stats in General Discussion

    I'm sure this is a topic dealt with many times in these forums lol

    But I was reading the FAQ, and I have more questions on it:

    * Dotabuff basically said that steam doesn't give them enough information to determined abandoned games
    But now in this game which I recently played -- - It actually says crystal maiden
    abandoned - Shouldn't that be enough information for it to not count?

    * Also with the above - Everyone left early in my team except me - would it have counted if I left too?

    * 99 % Accuracy - What does this mean?
    For instance according to steam I have played 315 games, won 178 (56.5%)
    According to dotabuff: I've played 331 games, won 187 (56.5% - lol wasn't expecting them to exactly match)
    but this is only 95 % accuracy.. am I just unlucky? :P

    "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

      i dont get it. Abandons count as wins and losses just not KDA stats


        Also another question - Do you think Valve will ever allow Dotabuff access to more then the last 500 matches?

        Flat is Justice!

          yes they will, they will also provide a lifetime of bananas to the 49th-52th place rankers in the top 100.

          you are asking random forumers, something that only real valve staff can accurately answer you.
          you are such a perfect snowflake


            Okay buuuut I was more interested in the answer to my first post.. which I'm sure random dotabuff forumers could know??? right? anyone? ^^