General Discussion

General DiscussionWinning streak record

Winning streak record in General Discussion

    Why isn't my "winning streak" record updating?

    I have 14 wins in a row, and theres one match inbetween thats "no stats recorded" which is also listed as a "win". Without that I have 13 wins in a row (all allpick).

    My previous record was 12 wins.

    Surely having someone on the opposite team abandon in the early stages of the game doesn't cause a winning streak to end because the match isn't "proper"?

    Well I won another game and it's updatedthe record to a 13 streak, although it should be on 14 or 15. Feel free to close this.

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      It dsnt count last game so u have to play one more game for that game to to count. and no stats recorded means no stats recorded, so its not recorded kappa.