General Discussion

General DiscussionWHAT THE FUCK VALVE

WHAT THE FUCK VALVE in General Discussion

    everybody fuckin dc every 10 sec and this shit valve cant understand servers issues now?


      wtf ? srsly every 10sec we insta dc


        after 10min we can leave yay

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          I didn't have any problems on the game I just played though.

          Low Expectations

            Had same thing, 3 games lost due to poor network conditions


              god damnit


                3h after i join a game with the hope they fixed it , i dc eveyr 10sec


                  happened to me also On russia server.. so anoying.. i had to restart steam for constant dc to stop-.- ZzZ

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                    yeah same on my last eu.east game.
                    first 15 minutes impossible to play. and once we get the upper hand going for throne, game kicks everyone/safe to leave.


                      i've lost 2 fucking games because of this shit, yet they fixed "poor connectivity issues"

                      game is fucking dead boys


                        since min 0, 2 guys on my team drop, then since min 15 enemy oracle drops every 2-3 minutes.

                        nice volvo

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                        x marks the...

                          Am I the only one who can afford good internet and not having this problem :laugh:


                            managed to rape with perma dc, how cute valve trying to nerf me..
                            mongolic gyro wanted to report me cuz i dc loL
                            it was adorable when he said that he was so sorry after i carried him, almost cried

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                            THICC BABY SHUM

                              @x marks the...
                              U just suck at dota so valve dsnt have to dc u to make sure u dont rape too many games.


                                guys ti4 just ended give them time they just earned $25 million dollars

                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                  They are too busy eating popcorn watching us cry.


                                    is very fun

                                    x marks the...


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                                          lmfao still not fixed our team losing -2 cuz we all dc XD
                                          AHAHAHHA -150g alrdy

                                          ok we can leave yayyy .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .

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                                          Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

                                            I already missed 75 MMR because of this shit. Why does it only happen in games that I am winning?

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                                              exactly, 2games canceled when i rape
                                              and since i never lose it never happens when i lose..


                                                YNIT's shots fired lol


                                                  i also lost like 75-100 mmr to this shit.
                                                  like really they can't afford to hire competent people to actually deal with this shit or what

                                                  x marks the...

                                                    bitch somewhere people actually care