General Discussion

General Discussiontoo many carry, too little support (none) and all they do is feed.. sigh

too many carry, too little support (none) and all they do is feed.. sigh in General Discussion

    None of them wanted to go mid at the beginning, I started against bloodseeker in mid, where he was harassing me, but I kept just getting exp and denying. My team just fed and I couldn't do shit when I farmed enough because it was too late!

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        so just play a supp yourself, mongoloids


          For some reason you have very low KDA on your favorite heroes. Not like it means anything, only destroyed ancient matters... but... well... you know...


            anyone can buy wards anyone can buy courier


              ^I suppose anyone can carry too...


                ^Yes, with farm and items


                  helm of the dominator ANTI MAGE

                  super legit

                  : )))

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                    @OP, somehow an AM with HotD, 9x less CS and 3x more deaths than you did the same hero and tower damage.
                    edit: please consider this relevant thread

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                      antimage wanted to dominate with his helm thats super nice

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                          I'm sorry, but I don't think that "suicide-style" is legit in DOTA, in most cases it will be called "feeding". Like topicstarter said: "my team just fed".


                            south africa doto
                            apparently bf is core on any hero there

                            x marks the...

                              @soultrap nothing wrong with a support who takes all the nukes for me and ends up in a 5 for 1 trade in a teamfight. If the support isn't running around solo in there jungle dying, there's nothing wrong with supports dying in fights if the carry is still getting things done


                                I used to build multiple Battefuries on carry Mirana/WR/QoP etc for right click damage and so I never had to go to base!

                                (in DotA 1)

                                x marks the...

                                  I used to 6 slot techies with only daggers until I was rearranging them and got them all denied because it was to hard having a good arrangement with 6 slots


                                    If the enemy team feels the need to unleash all their nukes on you as a support, it's probably because they hate you for making their life hell in the early to mid game. So, a job well done.

                                    Also, shame on you OP. I've managed more tower damage as a friggin' Crystal Maiden than your whole team in that game, I wonder what were your priorities in that match...