General Discussion

General DiscussionOracle

Oracle in General Discussion

    Ridiculous starting stats + ridiculous skill cooldown + insane nukes which easily 3 shot anyone, clearly balanced hero.


      42% winrate
      very balance


        Look at Earth Spirit, and he's super strong.

        Reason Null and Void.


          Earth Spirit have like 52% against that shit

          game is bad

            But the one game you played with him, you lost and went 1-9.


              Ridiculous number of threads about him created too.


                ES is definitely strong, but at least it requires lot of skill to be played... its not like oracle


                  My name is Hayden:

                  42% winrate
                  very balance

                  Tinker was unchanged for years and had similair winrate, then suddenly in 1 or 2 months he became popular and suddenly everyone says he is overpowered and needs a nerf

                  so winrate means nothing


                    If you even used ur brain, u would have noticed heroes with top winrates are relatively easier to play compared to heroes such as Oracle and would thus have a much lower winrate because it requires execution.


                      Oracle isn't easy to play. Using it ad shotgun Hero is fun, and cool, however, most of the time it's wrong way to play him, and to play him at full peak, you need a lot of practice and good microskillz


                        @rainy tinker was always broken. always.


                          Imo after playing against him alot he is balanced maybe add 5 secs cd to his ulti or let it scale 30 25 20 and he is fine


                            nobody complained about tinker for years, then suddenly he is op


                              Because he wasn't played in competitive doto. Then, he became a popular pick and people began to exploit him (sometimes horribly) once they saw how relatively straightforward he actually was.

                              x marks the...

                                Micro skills for oracle? There has to be something im missing here :laugh: