General Discussion

General Discussionlast game just dissapeard from existence

last game just dissapeard from existence in General Discussion

    ? ? ? ? ? carried the shit out of my primates as usual.
    didnt get my points.
    game is nowhere to be found.
    im sad.

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    Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

      It's because of Poor network connections detected. MMR doesn't get updated and that shit. Basically happened to everyone apparently.


        ppl in my team and in their team get constantly disconnected does this happen to anyone


          I haven't played today but it's been fucking aweful for me the whole week


            yeah but there was nothing expect grey mmr board with no points
            we had packet loss but no message, we troned, game shoud have counted idk

            like i got the game i just finished now but not the one before :( #fuck volo

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              and yeah since a week i perma lagg, 3sec freezes n shit idk how come


                my last storm spirit game in normal skill didnt count.


                  nvm it counted




                      Happened to me too. Won a game about 2 hours ago and lost one 30 min ago. The one I lost is in history, the one I won before that is not. wtf?