General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to play Juggernaut?

How to play Juggernaut? in General Discussion

    In what situations/lineups do you guys think Jug is a good carry or is he one of those heroes you can first pick and not have problems?

    How do you build Jug? This can be case based but is there any core items on him like Maelstrom/Drums/Aghs?

    I have zero idea about this hero but he seems strong so please help!


      for early game , if u need to fight drums,

      having free farm? go battlefury instead, then aghanim

      basher if needed or butterfly

      i don't have too many game with him

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        Stack IAS, kill stuff.



          Polkadot Piranha

            I think he is considerably worse if the enemy has a lot of natural Force Staff/Euls/Ghost Scepter heroes, especially if those heroes can farm them fast or push down some towers easily. His ult does not entirely make the hero, but if by the mid-game, the enemy can almost entirely ignore it, he drops off fairly hard.


              I love agh-refresher build, just to full-fill my nickname. :-D

              While builf itself is ez to couter, if u have luck and patience, 2x omnislash hurts..


                Aghs is good as 3rd or 4th big item.


                THICC BABY SHUM

                  i seen a lot of ppl build this build it seems bad but worked for them.
                  phase, blink, aghs, battlfurry, mom, refresher

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                    buy a ton of tango and cut down the trees around u for counter ganking


                      YNIT33 minutes ago
                      i seen a lot of ppl build this build it seems bad but worked for them.
                      phase, blink, aghs, battlfurry, mom, refresher.

                      Have a look on this match :


                      ~ It was a really well played game by jugger, first time i saw this build.
                      ~ Jugger mmr is around 5k.

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                      THICC BABY SHUM

                        It seems that jugg build is going into aghs refresher by everyone, but idk, if team has omni and bunch of ghost scepters, will be lots of gold wasted
                        I would like to see more juggs with diffuzals, just slow them purge ghost scepters etd, and ult like vs wraight king, I think it would work good.



                          that's what i would consider a good jugg build. You can actually kill people without ultimate with that build (and later you buy refresher in chicken ofc ^^)

                          -you also aren't fucked by ghost scepter this way-
                          (butter can be changed for sy/manta for example)

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                            Thanks for the replies, ill watch the replay that Tiken and Matrice posted!


                              Jugg's a snowbally hero who definitely needs to do his damage early. In terms of laning, he's pretty versitile. At the end of the day, he does need levels and farm early. Even item wise he's verstile, he can go pretty much any item just pick depending on the enemy and your team's lineup. Should probably focus on attack speed for your crits, move speed to catch up/auto more, and hp to survive. I generally stay away from lifesteal because the healing ward is so damn good, but you can always use that if the enemy is able to pin down your ward.

                              I perfer phase boots and eventually BoTs.
                              Drums, Blink, SnY, Manta, Skadi, Mjor, Bkb, Mkb, Aghs, Deso, Bfury, Heart, Basher, Bfly, AC, Linkens are all viable. Even the utility int items can be okay depending on the game (Sheep/Silence Stick/Shivas).

                              In a vacuum, I would probably go
                              phase > drum > yasha > aghs > sny > bkb > deso/skadi/bfly > BoT > another item

                              Hopefully the game is in the bag around your 3rd/4th item. Just farm without dieing when omni is on c/d, but be really active looking for ganks or pushing towers when your ult is up.


                                in order to be good at juggernaut, you have to become the juggernaut


                                  why is he anorexic


                                    he couldn't get farm, cuz easy lane was hard.


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                                      Low Expectations

                                        Actually MoM is a surprisingly good item on Jugg, the only problem with going Aghanims is that you will most likely have to gwt diffusal afterwards

                                        "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                                          How to Jugg. press R...kill
