General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to justify report for ppl who wont help the team?

How to justify report for ppl who wont help the team? in General Discussion
Low Expectations

    Just had a game with a flaming retard, who lost his lane (apparently that was my fault) then was bitching on the whole team for the entrie game and spend all game farming but refusing to participate in fights so we had to play 4v5. Under what column do you report these kind of retards?

    Its for this game but happened in plenty of others aswell

    Harry hamburgerryg

      That happens all the time, they just go like "afk farm jungle" . Or even worse they begin to feed on intention.
      Dota is retarded because people don't get punished for ruining games, even when everyone can see they do it on purpose.
      You get more punished for writing retard or idiot to someone that is actually ruining the game completely.

      Common sense VOLVO.....


        mute & move on, not much you can do


          rofl under what column, who gives a shit report for feed

          Low Expectations

            ^Thats cuz (i think) if you report for diffrent things (ex. one report for feed, one for flame) they dont stack so it wont have any effect. (Hence you can get diffrent punishment for flaming than for feeding curriers) So would be useful to know the column


              Yeah, just mute and move on like the other guy said. If you really want to you can report the guy, but there's so much gray area in this unless the guy was straight up walking into their base feeding.

              If you wanna improve your odds, wait 5-10 minutes before queueing for your next game since most likely you won't get paired up with him again.


                i always report for chat abuse (or how is it called) so they get muted, cuz being muted is annoying as fuck.


                  communication abuse.