General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to win DOTA in 57s, Obama approved

How to win DOTA in 57s, Obama approved in General Discussion
xbox live assistant\

    Hey broski,

    Our new DOTA YouTube channel called "MID OR MEEPO" just released its second video, and here it is

    Just got a phone call from Obama though, he said he liked it.

    Just sayin' ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


      Yayyyy your back;DD GG WP NICE ONE AGAIN ^_^


        nice video me like x')
        xxD i fuckin knew he'd miss that hook ;p

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          a fist full of bullets a chest full of teflon

          xbox live assistant\

            @FyyQ > Like we ever left ! We've been building a crazy demo database in the meantime :) Only for your pleasure !
            @X Chains X > This hook is Putin-approved, don't you dare making fun of it §§
            @Allison > U WOT M8



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              THICC BABY SHUM

                does obama prove mean ebola prove too?

                xbox live assistant\

                  @YNIT > Our videos are 100% disease-free. You might find some cancer in them though.

                  full time world savior

                    next video pls