General Discussion

General Discussioncharm of the defender vision

charm of the defender vision in General Discussion
Unity Chan

    do u have to buy it everytime ? unlike the victory shout which is permanent


      is yes no buy no buy /?


        to use it well you either need to understand lineups rly well or get 75% winrate on average.
        er ya u need to buy it once u have reached either 3 successful predict or 2 failed predictions.
        you will be given the option to use it during a game, before creeps spawn.

        Unity Chan

          so basically this item is only 3 chance only after that u need to buy another 1?


            if you get the chest (3 predicted wins in a row) or you predict unsuccessfully 2 times in a row ----> the charm disappears.


              oh and the treasure is untradeable until feb+
              if u open the treasure the item is untradeable until march