General Discussion

General Discussionoracle not op at all

oracle not op at all in General Discussion

    reveal>him big time

    game is bad

      He's really strong when you have 4 cores. Don't see a reason to choose Dazzle over him anymore in that situation.


        Actually not. W+E+Mek+E = 2k heal for your dying carry.


          monkey teammates also prevent you from roflstomping

          what a nice surprise.


            Not really , 9 secs immortality > 5 secs grave + heals r doubled lol he is like old slark ulti with grave + massive heal lol


              Ps thats only his ulti not ganna talk about it removing all debuffs too

              Este comentário foi editado
              THICC BABY SHUM

                so you won 2 of 2 games with him, and made a thread that he isnt op?


                  I think dazzle > oracle


                    well u can euls urself in the last second of ur ulti and u wont take any dmg :pppppp

                    THICC BABY SHUM

                      ppl just dont know how to play oracle yet, just give it a month, wait for ppl to stop building dagons on him


                        Vork u will take the damage/heal after euls


                          Its op as fuck. Its op with any healer and a dps carry. OP with PA if you max 2nd after 3rd, with slark but you have to max 1st instead of 2nd cause much of slarks early dps is pounce and dark pact. Get and urn, euls, heal 1300 hp during ult, with slark its almost guaranteed that he will not die after your ult.

                          THICC BABY SHUM

                            yah, euls dosnt do anything to you, pudge can still hook you and io relocate will still take you back euls dosnt do anything but make you immune to incoming dmg, the one that was done will do dmg in euls


                              idk we played vs 6 oracle today, even i played him, he has potential and is broken on paper but in reality hes not broken at all :)

                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                did they go midas dagon?


                                  Every new hero gets slated as OP until they are actually implemented and people realize they just have to learn how to deal with them. Same threads will be made about the remaining three to be ported.


                                    Let him get in touch with PA. Pa with oracles ult was murdering in our fountain like 10-15 secs. When it expired pa had like 400 hp less o.O



                                      just silence him before kill , done.


                                        @Vroksnak Oracle now the new techies counter!!


                                          yea well nerf pa not oracle tbh a hero who can rampage with only one item is kinda retarded.

                                          Polkadot Piranha

                                            So your claim is, that even though there is no evidence of PA being too good, despite thousands if not millions of games as basis, your observed <10 games of Oracle leads you to the conclusion that Oracle is fine but PA needs a nerf, and we should take that as solid evidence. If PA was too good, she would either be dominating pubs or competetive. She has done neither.

                                            THICC BABY SHUM

                                              any hero can get rampage with 1 items, i dont think anyhero is op right now, just mbe dp and thats just bearly.