General Discussion

General DiscussionORACLE

ORACLE in General Discussion

    Sorry guys but dota is over. This hero is too crazy to have in the game atm.

    Sōu ka

      icefrog thinks that every new heroes' ability has to do at least 3 things
      think the last dota hero he made was elder titan

      lil man

        lol pick a counter to him like bh slardar ect..... *sarcasm*

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        Sōu ka

          ur actually fuckign dumb


            new hero-> guys wtf was thinking icefrog, dota is over

            lil man

              "ur actually fuckign dumb"

              Fucking* ahaha :laugh:

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              Pom Pom 🍕

                At least Axe Culling Blade goes through his ulti. Though their health gets frozen, so not really reliable. But at least stops the dumb huskar+oracle combo where you freeze him with ~10% hp and double the inner vitality heal.

                Linda | DotaExchange

                  rofl at this guy, slardar counter :D

                  it is kinda double end sword. It can tottaly rape enemy team, but on the other hand, bad oracle is a free lose for team ( not like tenchies, but really like loss )

                  most likely, to counter him, you'd need aoe damage or zues. That is only thing i can remember back from d1.


                    Just lost a a game against him. His ulti is the most annoying shit in dota.


                      Oracle is literally as stronk as the 5 best heroes together. Im not even joking.

                      6 sec BKB
                      6 Sec disarm
                      50% extra Pure and physical
                      immortality + invis.
                      2x heal
                      lvl 8 = 1600 heal
                      Insta 300 damage burst AOE that works on creeps.
                      Oh and insta purge with sick range ^^
                      oh and 360 burst every 3 sec............... derp derp

                      All spells are like ultis times 3 so he has like 12 normal ultis. perhaps 5 heroes isnt even enough.

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                      Sugar Show

                        same words used for earth spirit/skywrath/ techies

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                        Sister Fister

                          Just finished the 2nd game against Oracle. As Slark I have not encountered any difficulties, he's actually free food.


                            he has a 38% win rate at the moment, this is not the stage where you are supposed to wine about how stronk he is, this is the phase where no one knows how to play him, everyone sucks. in a month you get to wine about how stronk he is.

                            i left her

                              fun hero

                              Pom Pom 🍕

                                Also sad day for Omniknight. Fortune's End removes both guardian angel and repel (although for repel you need to hit an adjacent target since magic immune units can't be targetted).

                                Sōu ka

                                  oh boy the win rate argument

                                  i think this thread has a winner guys


                                    Once people realize what the fool can do, Doom's popularity will skyrocket.


                                      Why the hell is Oracles Ultimate 20 second CD?

                                      that shit is absurd.


                                        Game is too hard
                                        easy game easy life :D


                                          free wins against oracle, thanks valve

                                          Pom Pom 🍕

                                            Why is PA on the top of his counters? He seems pretty good against her having 6 second disarm and great burst damage.


                                              ORACLE WITH INVOKER.. LOL FROM IS DIS MEAT BALLS COMING FROM?


                                                WHAT THE FUCK WHEN WAS HE ADDED

                                                waku waku

                                                  a few hours ago
                                                  and already he managed to get killed over 28000 times by pudge


                                                    omg i can use pa arcana <333333333333333


                                                      i don't know, but 2 games I played since update oracle was in enemy team and both games were won quite easily


                                                        I remember Oracle being different in Dota 1, his ult created an exact duplicate of himself for a period of time that was able to use all his items and spells. Remember that being ridiculously strong. Can see the potential but going to take a while before people get used to Oracle.

                                                        Pom Pom 🍕

                                                          ^I think you mean Zet, Arc Warden. Oracle was freshly made 4 patches ago, he's not had reworks yet.


                                                            haha i actually just saw his spells xdddd xdddddd xddd xd dxdxddxdxdxdx


                                                              probably will be abused by EG.


                                                                @Pomi Yes thats 100% correct, thanks for clarification. Havent seen this guy yet then.


                                                                  ez oracle in team
                                                                  ez -25



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                                                                      He is OP. People just don't know how to play him.


                                                                        I'll try to learn this shit, never played dota 1 however.

                                                                        Will watch your games, nice. :)


                                                                          tpracc.dd - it's not like I know how to fully play him & i'm only 3.5k. I only know interactions between his spells, which is enough to have big impact imo. Basic combos are -> E (nuke) - Q (purge heal from nuke) - E. When u want to heal someone W (100% magic resistance, so u won't take nuke in ur face from heal) then E. When ur carry is fighting vs enemy carry u use W on enemy carry to disarm (sometimes it's better to save W for massive heal during your ulti, so it's a hard choice).


                                                                            what the fuck, is this hero out already what the fuck, i didnt play for 21 hours and now i have to deal with this shit.
                                                                            i hope it fucking dies fast like techies....


                                                                              ^ spoiler: he wont

                                                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                It actually will I think. He is barely winning games atm (because people are stupid) and if he gets nerfed (which he will) most people will probably stop picking him.


                                                                                  yeah i still dont find him broken tbh, hes good yea, ulti is retarded as fuck but that it


                                                                                    Well he is broken, there's no denying that. The question is how much and how he will be nerfed.

                                                                                    harvard graduate

                                                                                      Played Batrider against that hero. Completely nullifies the entire hero. Blink - Lasso aaaand he gets Oracle ult'ed and you are fucked.


                                                                                        ever heard of abaddon?


                                                                                          Thing is Oracle ult has like 1000 range. It's a lot more difficult to cancel Batrider ultimate wth Abaddon but yeah it's possible.


                                                                                            The funny thing that people haven't figured out yet is that if you really wanted to, you could carry oracle. He has range >600, overwhelming early attack speed and damage for that range, and can make himself invincible for 7-9 seconds. You could disarm and purge an unknowing hero and wreck him with no counter. Plus idk if this is a glitch or intentional, but I dusted a pa who had oracles ult on her, and it didn't make her appear... so that's a thing


                                                                                              THIS HERO IS BROKEN PERIOD. In the hands of a descent player, it's just way too much to handle and hero shouldnt have all the shit he has - not with those cooldowns. I mean 20s cooldown on fuckin ult, are you serious?


                                                                                                oracle needs a buff actually


                                                                                                  What kind of buff?

                                                                                                  bomzh s benzopiloi

                                                                                                    chose meepo dont give a SHEAT