General Discussion

General DiscussionHi, I'm a new and noob player. How do I play

Hi, I'm a new and noob player. How do I play in General Discussion

    Potm of the moon?

    no srs.

    Im terrible at the cat ladle


      shoot arrow hit arrow


        no im srs, what do I get on the hero

        past aquila phase?

        do I get a fast yasha if Im offlane?

        and for support what do i get? Im not clear as to what PoTM gets on supporting

        Sister Fister



            There's a manual?

            I wasn't told


              u need driving licence to drive the cat

              Sister Fister

                Much like car taxes, cancer, and long plane flights there are many things you don't know you don't want until you get them. Makes you re-evaluate your entire existence. You don't want to play POTM.



                  THICC BABY SHUM

                    miss arrow catch arrow like sing sing can anyone post this video here im lazy and relocate is on cd.