General Discussion

General DiscussionWhich carry is harder to play ?

Which carry is harder to play ? in General Discussion

    I have a debate with friend. According to him Spectre or Medusa are much harder to play than AM. I just can't agree with him. IMO AM is one of the most difficult heroes to play, because he relies on specific timing window. With Medusa or Spectre u just need to farm for whole game & u will eventually win by outcarring other heroes, also they have bigger teamfigt impact than AM & it's harder to estimate if joining fights is worth it as him, because dying as AM is more penalizing. So what do u think ? For me AM on paper is a simple hero, but in practice he is one of the hardest to play.


      for me, spectre and am are harder than medusa, but i think with some good supports and a really good mechanic from am he can get easier to play


        medusa too

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          They're all easy when fed, right?
          So maybe we should ask who's hardest to farm up / feed up..?

          I think they're all similar difficulty, so I'd call this one individual. Depends which hero suits you the most, because they all have different play styles.

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              LMAO none of those is hard to play, tbh. In terms of skill cap there are carries that are way harder to play effectively. To name a few:
              Ember Spirit
              If you consider semi carries then
              Storm Spirit

              AM is not hard per se but he needs good understanding of the game to be played effectively (when to push, when to farm, maximizing farm, etc).

              THICC BABY SHUM


                Low Expectations

                  ^^ One of the most important heros to utilize thread switching to managed mana well too.

                  Bad Intentions

                    Personally, medusa.

                    Bot Tyrone

                      AM is piss easy to play. Well all of them are, spec relies on his team a lot more than the other two to create space for him to farm, but they are all very easy heroes relative to the other heroes in the game

                      Welt aus Eis

                        lol AM is really hard to play idk what you guys are talking about


                          i dont think spectre is as strong of a late game carry as some people make him out to be


                            we're not arguing that any of them are difficult to play, just which one is harder to play. if you were to take 3 easy heroes e.g. sniper, viper and wraith king, one would still be 'more difficult' to play than the others.


                              Definitely meepo or morphling because of the high skill cap. Probably ember too


                                lol sniper may be ?


                                  low and ez bracket spectre is ez then comes am and later dusa
                                  better bracket spectre is hardest am follows and then dusa

                                  but meepo is even harder and so is morph


                                    spectre is in theory harder to get used to haunt switching.

                                    medusa is harder to secure early game farm.

                                    AM is all about how fast you can get BF/manta


                                      you guys may think i'm retard, but i really think lone druid is harder than meepo


                                        antimage is harder than medusa by a long shot

                                        worse lane presence, less survivability, have to balance splitpushing, farming and fighting whereas dusa is just a giant truck that runs around


                                          i think am is harder than medusa, but easier if compared to spectre


                                            spectre is really easy lol

                                            "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                                              did someone really say that Ember spirit was hard lol


                                                slarks is hard


                                                  I think this guy Benao hit the jackpot. It depends on the skill bracket.

                                                  In the easy bracket Spectre is a fucking PUB STOMPER (Check official win-rate). All you need to do is max dispersion in lane, get last hits, be aware of team fights happening elsewhere on map, AND THEN HAUNT AND REALTY TO KILL STEAL. Bcuz ur a late-game carry, kill-stealing is justified for u. Continue with the hit-and-run regime (saving ur ulti for these delicious, kill-stealing moments) and transition into a MID AND LATE GAME BEAST. If u get radiance by 20 minutes, ur illusions will kill low-hp snipers and drows (which are the go-to heroes in low skill brackets)

                                                  Let's talk about a harder skill bracket (and we're assuming ur solo-queing ofcourse, dynamics change COMPLETELY IN STACKS). Now ur Spec will face a harder challenge; they will out-harass u in lane AND they will not let u Haunt-Reality combo into low-hp heroes (if they do its usually a trap - ur busted if u go). You die a lot, no farm for u, ur a useless Spectre. So its difficult to play Spec solo in higher skill brackets.

                                                  In my experience, Morphling and Meepo are the most difficult carries to play. Meepo obv bcuz of that micro, Morph bcuz of shit early game, and the decision making required for Morph is insanely difficult, or at least deserves ur fullest attention and focus.

                                                  Easiest carries would probably be phantom assassin and wraith king. These 2 are SO un-challenging heroes who transition into fucking late-game monsters, it's basically unfair. They should be nerfed in fact, esp. wk.


                                                    u completely mischaracterized higher brackets ^ spectre is completely viable: junglers are still relatively common (meaning u get a 2v1) and nobody does this killstealing bullshit because its useless, instead they use their ult to actually be useful in fights

                                                    morphling is relatively easy to play, not sure what ur talking about there

                                                    also PA is pretty hard considering the heros incredibly squishy yet is a balls deep hero meaning theres a lot of decision making, plus its melee which makes it inherently harder mechanically and in fights


                                                      we're not talking about oh morphling got a kill so good. We're talking about good morphlings so just stfu.
                                                      And regarding spectre its clear as day that you hacent played high level spectre games so don't talk about shit you don't know.

                                                      and srsly go fuuck yourself. You dare tell us pa is hard? FUUck YOU


                                                        benao u do understand that if i was to go to my other account i would be 5.3k which i believe is higher than u

                                                        not to mention morphling is a pretty straightforward hero considering the hero has a ton of room for error most of the time. the main thing i guess would be knowing when to morph and how much but apart from that all you do is use replicate as a mind game/escape tool, farm around the map, pick up kills and push with the team every now and then. but the hero has ridiculous armor and is pretty damn survivable throughout the game meaning theres a ton of room for error that doesnt exist with other heros (like pa who if u blink on the wrong target u get one shotted)

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                                                          1. my exact words; "So its difficult to play Spec solo in higher skill brackets." This I base on my viewing of higher skill matches, and I have watched a significant number. I never said spec is un-viable, I love spec, a good player can stomp even in higher skill brackets

                                                          2. I said in my experience morph & meepo are hard to play.

                                                          3. Yes she's squishy, and intelligent enemies will pick zues, lina, etc. to shut her down early game, but u can still work around that in pubs. some times. But more so compared to spec and morph, again in my exp.


                                                            morphling? straight forward?

                                                            damn i cant even play him optimally


                                                              me either... shit is rly hard

                                                              bomzh s benzopiloi

                                                                for me meepo is hard only vs good team or ember\timber

                                                                I don't like sniper, morph and PA

                                                                P.S. Already a lot of people said that morph is hard to play.

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                                                                Orderabi (Muted)

                                                                  I cant pick which one is the hardest but Faceless Void is the most easiest. I have never played it, of course i know the hero from friends, videos, tournaments etc. but, how can grant me a 4 win if i dont know even the skill build? Just farm, jump, ulti.


                                                                  For the hard ones, in upper brackets maybe its Sniper. He needs extra juke item that Spectre or PA for example, naturally has: BLINKING.

                                                                  I dont agree Am is very hard. Most of the times teams cant support AM or AMs play somehow ultra troll. Blink - Tp with some wards is op.

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                                                                    mr dee

                                                                      For me sniper on paper is a simple hero, but in practice he is one of the hardest to play.

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                                                                          PA IS HARD AHAHAHAHAHHAAHAAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHAHHAH


                                                                            Sniper isn't easy. I think the problem is that any of these heroes CAN be super easy. A sniper against a team with no gap closers is ez mode, a Spectre with crazy support and gets a good start is also very easy. I guess its difficult to talk about a hero as hard or easy to play without directly referring to how good they currently are.

                                                                            If we try to generalize across every situation, I think that out of the 3 initial heroes in OPs post, I think that AM is the easiest. He is good at most 1v1 lineups in the lane, and can still secure himself farm and survive even the toughest lanes. Spectre on the other hand is generally quite weak, and really does pray for either a shit hard lane that the other team puts up or relies on support for him to get do much early on.

                                                                            I think Medusa is extremely easy to play at the moment, simply because she is a tanky as hell and has a ridiculous ultimate. I mean if you asked me when she had her old ultimate, and before a few more buffs to her mana shield, then yeah it was a little difficult then. You needed to go for a bulkier item build, generally getting 2 "tank" items, this also meant that you needed to farm a lot faster because you really only came online after you started the third item. This patch? I mean not only are you CRAZY fat, at level 7 (4 points in Shield, none in stats) with STR treads + aquila you have 2.37k EHP which is mental! For reference, a NS with Treads, Urn and a reaver at level 7 has less EHP than you..Thanks to her current ultimate and buffs to mana shield, you don't need to worry so much about bulky items, 1 is enough, and you can head straight for a DPS item and watch as your farm sky rockets.

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                                                                              ^^ @slim yh exactly, i dont see how pub-players can find pa harder than morph, meeps or spec. Doesn't anyone else think that both pa and wk are basically GODS in pubs, esp in normal skill, like the kill-stealing riki in low-skill, freshly noob bracket matches?

                                                                              My thoughts about sniper; the high dps does work in pubs, even beyond low skill, cuz he just shoots ppl down from afar in team fights, and hoses down towers like ant-hills. But he's equally food and fodder for closing-in beasts like Spectre and PA. I mean when I play spec against him I RELISH WASTING MY ULTI JUST TO GET TO HIM, DUSTING HIM AND SWALLOWING HIM ALIVE SIMPLY WITH RAD BURN.

                                                                              No giggities?

                                                                                Morph is easy... wait what?

                                                                                I mean every braindead kid can play morph a do an average job. Being dominant with Morph without having a team that holds the game until the 60th minute mark is really difficult imo. The best morphs are just impossible to kill and manage to secure farm everywhere at anytime.. but 99 percent of the people playing it will just stick to one lane and manage to die once in a while, delaying farm and being totally useless at the end.


                                                                                  Wraith King... that shit is hard!


                                                                                    +1 ^ Hardest hero.

                                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                                      I think sniper is easier than heroes that need fast reaction or combos but he is a completely different skill set. He needs positioning and awareness. A hero like invoker needs snap reflexs and combos to pull off. Different players find different things hard or easy.

                                                                                      Spec is not really hard to play but so dependent on team you're boned if your team is complete garbage. I mean people go omg spec so easy just haunt and rack up assists. But what if your team is ultra passive and there's never a good situation to haunt into? Or what if your lane gets dominated and you have no where to farm? Spec cannot catch up in farm late. Anti mage and dusa can find farm later if they have a bad start. I think spec is probably the hardest but I also think spec should win the most games cus generally your team will be good enough to haunt and win. I find AM and dusa harder to win with even though I think they are easier to play. They're not quite as effective imo.

                                                                                      harvard graduate

                                                                                        Medusa is pretty easy I think. Keep a Tp at all times, tell team not to fight too far from tower, push out lanes - go into jungle. clear that twice, push out other lane -repeat. When your team fights you can just TP to the tower and disengage/turn with ult. Even if your team is losing the early game you have good chances to come back when the enemy team breaks base.

                                                                                        Am requires pretty insane decisionmaking if you ask me. If you participate in fights and WIN them, you just flat out won the game with antimage because your team will be ahead + you are gonna farm everything. If you would lose fights though, you need to splitpush which can be super risky vs certain heroes and you might just lose the game to deathball. Lategame is also all about decisionmaking with antimage.

                                                                                        Spectre is similar to Medusa imo.

                                                                                        Hardest carry to play IMO is naga siren because of how hard you can fuck up the entire game with 1 bad song and because you usually need to create your own space and take ALL the farm from the map and also your team.


                                                                                          i think TA is a " hard " to play hero... no spells but u must have the lane mechanics knowledge and moving all the time! i used to be good at TA at dota 1 :D


                                                                                            As A meepo lover meself, I THINK, MORPH IS THE HARDEST, i even lose to bot when playing him, i know im a scrub...