General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat do you do as a support when your team is not doing well?

What do you do as a support when your team is not doing well? in General Discussion

    farm and try to snowball


      I cry everytiem

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          but it depends on the support.

          Sister Fister

            feed so they can blame you- you're probably the cause of losing the game to begin with


              depends, if you are playing someone who can transition into a semi carry like VS or silencer and YOU are doing well you can start taking farm and try to carry. if you spot it out early (before you loose control of your jungle) you can start stacking really hard so that your team can catch up after feeding in lane. If you have a true carry on your team who isn't (far) behind on levels and farm, you can baby sit him from out side of XP range and try hope that he can catch up and win the game for you.

              regardless of what is going on you can put up defensive wards so your team can farm and buy a bunch of smoke and hope that you can get pick offs or maybe ninja rosh.


                i buy midas


                  You build Dagon, and then proceed to upgrade it to lvl 5.

                  [DFG] Whale King

                    Cry.... a lot


                      waiting until we lose


                        Try to gank, ward, predict ganks, help out your team etc. There are lot of things to do as a support in a bad game.


                          smoking is probably the best last ditch effort to come back into a game.

                          responding to over aggression is probably the other best way you can hope for.