General Discussion

General DiscussionNew accounts at high mmr

New accounts at high mmr in General Discussion

    Guys, why does velve give so high mmr to noobs that make new accs?
    I mean it almost every game i get one or two players with new accouts(<200 games) that really suck. They should play below 4k for sure, but they have 5k or smth.
    And its not just my anger and stuff, but they all have very low winrate at solo ranked. Some has 52-53% winrate, but they have most games with friends, so solo ranked is much lower. Just some examples from today: 5kmm 4500mmr. 5k mmr, look at amount of games with friends, and winrate is above 60% with every one of them. 5k mmr 4500

    And given that winrate and mmr, i wonder what mmr they got at the beginning.

    And all this is just from 3 games. Not mentioning that many of those abusers have privete and annonymous profiles.
    Why doesnt Velve do anything about it? Like setting 4k cap on highest mmr u can get after TBD or smth. So lame...


      since when is 5k high mmr, ustart at 5k after calibration if u have a brain


        5k not high mmr?) U maybe miss brain?
        Since 6k-7k its 200 persons that has it. 5k -6k is not that big community, i always see players that i allready played before. So its not that big community. If u also dont count players that only play on 1 hero like meepo, ears spirit, slark etc. the community will be restikted to 5k people max. Without abusers ofc.
        So 5k is pretty high mmr.

          Esse comentário foi removido por um moderador

            No, its same on my 2nd account that has same mmr. Btw, i upped 300 mmr allready on this acc after calibration.


              "Look at me i'm complayning about smurfers"

              Nice quality threads.


                At the very beginning of the game my whole entire team all leave I was left alone. And in the end to win !!
                One against all!! See my game state :)
                And please reported this guy in my team! .. My all friend reported their, I hope they go down! :)
                Do not be upset when left alone in the game, you can always win :)


                  Frankie, 3k mmr , thank you for contribution.


                    39% win rate with earth spirit? fking ebola fingers


                      Smurfs get smurfs in there acc i quit this smurf becuz of that and im back to my main


                        Fire, smurfs dont get smurfs, my main is same mmr as this one. Actually i got lower mmr when i started. ANd lits absoluttely the same situation there.


                          in unranked accounts are matched with weightage placed on hidden mmr as well as games played


                            FarofEnvy, its not that good system in unraked too, cuz after 3 won game on new akk i got placed with 4k games people.