General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you turn games around after 1 massive fight was lost?

How do you turn games around after 1 massive fight was lost? in General Discussion

    They had exp advantage but we turned it around.

    Our disruptor had to afk for 30 seconds to get charger but they didnt pause and we got teamwiped.

    After that wipe, we lost all momentum and lost.

    How to turn around after that?


      To me it's initiate and don't get initiated.

      Or BKB

      Bad Intentions

        Charger for what? lol

        "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

          You dont. Dota matches only have 1 team fight then its gg depending on who wins that fight. You should just feed or dc


            "How to turn around after that?"

            Ez, get rampage


              They wouldn't be able to unpause for 1 min if Disruptor disconnected.
              Edit: if you are losing hard the only chance is if you wipe them and they don't have buybacks for some reason. For example in this game we were down two sides of rax and had nearly 20k exp disadvantage but 4/5 died during their push and their cores couldn't buyback so we just went for throne.

              Este comentário foi editado

                kill them all the next fight and let them wonder

                THICC BABY SHUM

                  uninstall ezy

                  THICC BABY SHUM

                    enemy didnt pause for desraptereui on ur team? u do know u can pause too?

                    L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                      He didn't dc, and his laptop was almost dying.

                      It's weird, I often see this, where the enemy team gets to unpause immediately, and my team keeps spamming pause button but it doesn't pause.


                        linkens would be good to prevent bat initiation in that game

                        but as for turning games around, smokes are always a great option (get a pickoff if they're split, catch them off guard if they're pushing, just make sure to have one person in vision so they dont know whats going on)

                        Sup m8

                          Smoking is bad for your health. Don't smoke kids.

                          bomzh s benzopiloi

                            1) use smoke
                            2) use wards
                            3) use buybacks
                            4) do not feederino
                            5) fights as 5

                            L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                              LOL, fight as 5 in normal bracket.

                              This is next game


                              NP and Razor duo. We had advantage but they trash talked so much and kept derping around and we lost. As we started losing they focus on blaming Shaman and just start roaming in duo.

                              Teamwork never happens in normal skill unless 5 man.

                              I think I need a break from the game

                              Flat is Justice!

                                u cant pause for more than 5 secs if there is no dc on either team

                                one of u guys should dc on purpose to keep the pause on

                                Dire Wolf

                                  Farm more. I know you might think 515gpm on PA is a lot but your cs are under 4 a min and look at enemy kunkka, he crushed your farm. Doesn't help that your timber got annhilated either.


                                    Turtle and wait for them to high ground - this is your best chance at winning the next fight.
                                    Generally (in low bracket games) winning a team fight convincingly means you're ahead and trying to team fight again will result in another team wipe and the winning team getting further ahead. Even high skill players struggle to break high ground. Idk why but players/teams keep pushing high ground even when they just lost the fight there 3 mins ago - this is true for even pro teams. Just because you have the advantage doesn't mean you're ahead enough to break high ground (unless you have a specific timing window where you have to complete an objective or your game plan gets fucked). The correct thing to do would be to farm both jungles and out farm/starve the enemy until you're ahead of enough to break high ground.

                                    My advice for low/average skill games is to convince your team to work together to defend high ground and let your enemy throw trying to breach high ground. If your enemy doesn't do that you have smoke and find pick offs.

                                    I am by no means an expert but I'm sure personal experience will tell you Dota players have this mentality where "we just destroyed the enemy in a team fight we must push outer towers instead of afk farming and then push highground - or die trying (literally)"