General Discussion

General DiscussionHero effigies in the upcoming update

Hero effigies in the upcoming update in General Discussion

    is anyone else excited for this like I am? I was expecting the "customisable buildings" to be quite crap, but honestly this looks really nice. I'm gutted I have to commit to having 1 hero for the rest of time though, unless these end up being tradable/marketable

    NextStep ®

      It does seem interesting to me. Look forward to it.
      1 hero. And we can only sculpt it once?


        Yeah only can be sculpted once (just found out they aren't tradable or marketable) you pick a hero, pick what cosmetic items you want to put on the statue, and you choose what pose you want by going through all of your hero's animations and picking a "frame" from te animation, and then you can inscribe with a phrase too I think


          "Nyx nyx nyx"

          Sister Fister

            I'm ok with the 1 hero 1 pose 1 phrase 1 whatever limitation. Not really a difficult choice.

            Sister Fister

              How is this guy testing this by the way? :



                so it's just your statue instead of small building ?
                I don't care rly


                  would be funny if earth spirit placed a aghs teammate into stone and left him there for bait. People are going to be so confused.


                    what the fuck



                      Sugar Show

                        I gonna make a epic wisp statue for the next generations.