General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to find your true role?

How to find your true role? in General Discussion

    I've been playing Dota for maybe over a year now. I like to play all positions but none of them in peculiar stand out as something I would like to main. So as the title says, what's the best way to find your true role?


      Yah, I think just play every roll this way you know how to play rolls better, for example if you played carry you know what you want so when you play support you will do it and end up playing better. I been jumping rolls a lot, but now valve dsnt let me pick any hero but one, want to play other heroes, but when I go to hero choice don't see anything but that white circle. Started doing that to me recently valve fix.


        you misspelled particular as peculiar :DD
        simple, play each role and find out what you like more, to stay in a lane 1 x 1 and fight for control, to stay in a lane against multiple enemies and being on the edge of gettin killed, to hit creeps and try to get right items, or to secure your teammates/help them with vision , courier, detection , roam, etc.

        to be honest all roles might be enjoyed, in higher mmr supports get a lot of action in all stages of the game so thats fun, carry is fun cuz you get to rek stuff, solo is fun cuz you gotta outplay 3 guys sometimes, mid is fun cuz you have to work your opponend and punish his mistakes while not getting punished yourself.

        i guess go now and try all roles :PP


          I guess I was trying to get at I play all roles and I enjoy them all but none of them are sticking out to me more than another.


            PLAY THIS GUY


              Meepo confirmed best every role?

              THICC BABY SHUM

                yup 5 disables 5 nukes he has everything.


                  if 1 penis die all rest 4 penises die too = feed


                  THICC BABY SHUM

                    4 feeds with 1 feed
                    omg free rampage



                      THICC BABY SHUM

                        no si


                          why can't meepo support?

                          THICC BABY SHUM

                            who said that?
                            go do it. man grow up, we dont have to tell you that u can poop in bathroom too. just do it.


                              For me and my friends it's all about the heroes that we enjoy playing the most. I like playing nukers and hard carries, because I love dealing damage and bursting people down, but one of my friends likes supporting and disabling people and enjoys warding. It's different for everyone but it comes down to what heroes you like playing the most.

                              Sup m8

                                ^Lol i dont like playing with people like you.


                                  It's a game, play for fun and entertainment

                                  Sugar Show

                                    Jungle/rat best role.


                                      Meepo feeding gold for each Meepo?

                                      First clip

                                      Icefrog code this and Meepo will be balanced.


                                        to get accustomed to roles and truly identify the one you're most suited with you should play in a clan/team and be somewhat competitive (5v5 ranked cm and teamgames help a bit but its not the same). Eventually you will find out. Take me for example i solo queue almost always, i play heroes like sf/drow/mirana and carry in pubs but my true role is support. Years ago i was assigned the support role, obviously cause i was new and it fit me. I like it and enjoy it but i won't fucking support trash in pubs because its not the same.


                                          imo theres no real set role for anyone till u reach the top, most of the skills in dota are transitive meaning the remaining few skills are really what separate roles

                                          so if ur not a professional you should probably just practice and you'll get better at certain things, dont restrict yourself to only one role

                                          Sister Fister

                                            I play Slark as carry, hard carry, support, jungler, pusher, tank, whatever, you name it.
                                            I've seen some do the same with Crystal Maiden or even Io.

                                            Este comentário foi editado

                                              in my stack i am usually the initiator cause i am aggressive in my plays and tend to feed if my team is not at my back.
                                              when my team mates finally learned to trust me, they now would also go when i go. more often than not i die and my team avenges my death with a 3 to 5 man death on the opponents.

                                              i like my aggressive style so if i am not 3, i am 4 or 5. i even initiate with zeus or any other squishy support cause its nice to see them gang up on me like a brain for zombies.

                                              so in the end even if i solo, i am still the initiator. then again when solo my team mates would usually be scared and i would feed in the end.


                                                Please don't turn this into an ego thread.

                                                I would suggest playing heroes you enjoy and attempt to diversify. You enjoy more aspects of the game that you are playing. Focusing on a role is analogous to only playing one class in TF2, only playing one race in SC2/WC3, only playing one character in Smash Bros. etc. which I do not suggest unless you are professional.

                                                Miku Plays

                                                  Support - Ogre, Lion, Veno
                                                  Carry - LC, PA, Jugg
                                                  Tank - Axe
                                                  Initiator - Earthshaker, Sandking, Tusk

                                                  There is no "This is my role" just pick a role thats appropriate for the team. If you dont wanna support then pick something else other than a carry.

                                                  Este comentário foi editado
                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    Why do you only have to focus on one role? Are you locked into a pro team or something? Just play what you enjoy or feel like playing that game.


                                                      There are roles that people excel at but a lot of times people associated the heroes their good at to roles they think their good at. Just because you play a mean tinker, or a exceptional windrunner doesn't really mean that you good at mid or offlane.

                                                      I established the heroes I was good with and my stronger roles, saying your a carry player and only being able to play Void/AM doesn't make you a strong player in the carry role, it means that you know those heroes decently enough to be able to play them with confidence. That is the most important thing when playing heroes, is that a lot of time when people have played a lot of one hero they have confidence to play it because they are well versed on what works and what doesn't.

                                                      For example, of all the things I don't have what I do have is strong gaming sense, positional awareness, and tact. This is best utilized on a support where I can mind the map alerting people to oncoming attacks or guiding carries and offanes into doing certain things. This doesn't however mean I am unable to play anything but support, and means I have to stick to a support as game sense is applicable across all roles.

                                                      You will have some stronger overall role than others like mine would be offlane, support, and I guess it does make sense to play roles where you feel more confident and stronger in them. For me, I enjoy lobbies and competitive dota so I like to keep my options open and will support most of the time but will keep it open to other options like junglers etc.


                                                        There's really no reason to "main" a role unless you simply enjoy playing that play style. No real reason to force yourself to play a certain role -- especially when it comes to pub play.


                                                          Play all of them and see which roles & heroes u have the most success with.