General Discussion

General Discussionhow i can be like dondo

how i can be like dondo in General Discussion

    my invoker sucks i need some advices please, i fking tryhard with him, but i can't win pls help boys
    i wanna be grimorun/dendi430


      first you have to understand how much each quas wex exort contribute :)


        use a macro bro


          lol this made me laugh

          Positioning and understanding of the hero makes u improve with invoker... if u are not good in dota then u must stop playing voker.. and learn game mechanics better before start failing with him

          btw players above are ur invoker idols? hahhhaahahah gl then


            First learn to speak Russian.


              may b u need try to changes your build rates? i thinks its could be better like go on wex and quas using spam skill on early game such as tornado emp or cold snap.


                Watch some pro player streams or videos.

                DONT GO TRYHARD

                Try to pay attention to how they build their Invoker in certain situations and look at their positioning!


                  u should buy a sarcasm detector :p

                  btw ty for the tips i'll try




                      create smurf. stomping noobs are the best way to learn invoker (for real). This eliminates xpm/gpm problem most of time and allows you to focus on practicing invoker skills/combos.

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                        are u completely retarded ? " This eliminates xpm/gpm problem most of time and allows you to focus on practicing invoker skills/combos."

                        u can play with bots ..<----- THIS ALSO "This eliminates xpm/gpm problem most of time and allows you to focus on practicing invoker skills/combos." or even alone and learn invoker without pressure... then play with bots and see how u do with a bit preasure.. then go out and hope ur brain can keep the real pressure



                          ^ bots aren't same as real players.
                          you learn faster in real game. (obvious)

                          why practice in bot when you can practice in real game.
                          of course in real life, people practice beforehand because you can't repeat what you've done.
                          but games are different. (maybe not for you)

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                            THICC BABY SHUM

                              rlly? I thought they were real stacked ppl that work for valve


                                i don't know if i need a smurf to keep losing with him, lol