General Discussion

General DiscussionBlackwolf pls

Blackwolf pls in General Discussion

    [FBSD]Blackwolf: ah, the joy of whoppin' 5k crybabies
    LuckyNumberXI: why are you blacking out all that other stuff
    [FBSD]Blackwolf: for fun
    LuckyNumberXI: Brewmaster won that game for you
    LuckyNumberXI: Why are you bragging so much?
    LuckyNumberXI: ?
    LuckyNumberXI: +
    LuckyNumberXI: you were playing 4v5
    [FBSD]Blackwolf: early game....
    LuckyNumberXI: and their carry is a complete fucktard
    [FBSD]Blackwolf: was horrible
    LuckyNumberXI: So?
    LuckyNumberXI: Still, why would you send me a message
    LuckyNumberXI: And brag that you whopped them
    [FBSD]Blackwolf: we two did best we could
    LuckyNumberXI: While it clearly wasnt you
    [FBSD]Blackwolf: BB
    [FBSD]Blackwolf: fed razor
    [FBSD]Blackwolf: gyro couldnt lane against necro
    LuckyNumberXI: Nonono
    LuckyNumberXI: You dont understand what im trying to say
    [FBSD]Blackwolf: nope
    LuckyNumberXI: You black out everything
    LuckyNumberXI: say
    LuckyNumberXI: You whopped them
    LuckyNumberXI: But you didnt do shit actually in the game
    LuckyNumberXI: Maybe landed some good stuns
    LuckyNumberXI: Why are YOU bragging about the game?
    LuckyNumberXI: You were dominating all game long
    LuckyNumberXI: It's just a normal game
    LuckyNumberXI: Well?
    [FBSD]Blackwolf: its ranked
    [FBSD]Blackwolf: captains mode
    LuckyNumberXI: Yes so?
    [FBSD]Blackwolf: nothing
    LuckyNumberXI: You dominated them all game
    LuckyNumberXI: Or.. brew did
    LuckyNumberXI: I don't understand
    LuckyNumberXI: A: Why you black out everything
    LuckyNumberXI: B: 4v5
    LuckyNumberXI: C: Brew and Gyro did everything
    LuckyNumberXI: D: wat
    [FBSD]Blackwolf: ragequit
    [FBSD]Blackwolf: gyro was smart enough to use space
    [FBSD]Blackwolf: because bb didnt
    LuckyNumberXI: I dont need you to explain the game
    [FBSD]Blackwolf: its one of those games
    [FBSD]Blackwolf: where if you stay in lane
    [FBSD]Blackwolf: you lose
    LuckyNumberXI: Where you dominate whole game?
    [FBSD]Blackwolf: you start roaming
    [FBSD]Blackwolf: make things happen
    LuckyNumberXI: dude you're going 5-5-16
    [FBSD]Blackwolf: we were losing early hard
    LuckyNumberXI: no
    [FBSD]Blackwolf: ...
    LuckyNumberXI: You had the xp lead all the time
    LuckyNumberXI: Still
    LuckyNumberXI: Why would you black all that out?
    [FBSD]Blackwolf: old habbit
    [FBSD]Blackwolf: ok, gonna play
    [FBSD]Blackwolf: heard enough
    LuckyNumberXI: k
    LuckyNumberXI: don't send me anymore links
    LuckyNumberXI: thanks
    [FBSD]Blackwolf: mother -_-
    LuckyNumberXI: I really don't understand why you would send me a normal game and make it look like you did a shitload while brew did everything and you dominated whole game (xp lead)
    [FBSD]Blackwolf: ...
    LuckyNumberXI: still, he won the game
    [FBSD]Blackwolf: but he still stole captain button
    LuckyNumberXI: not you lol
    [FBSD]Blackwolf has changed their name to [FBSD]fk*******ing.
    [FBSD]fk*******ing has changed their name to [FBSD]*******ing.
    LuckyNumberXI: + Razor was probably the only one with a brain and 5k
    [FBSD]*******ing has changed their name to [FBSD]*******.
    LuckyNumberXI: So that's why you blacked everything out
    [FBSD]*******: you still here?
    LuckyNumberXI: Yes
    [FBSD]*******: GIMME A BREAK
    LuckyNumberXI: DONT SEND ME SHIT THEN lol
    [FBSD]******* has changed their name to [FBSD] *******.
    [FBSD] *******: you said that
    [FBSD] *******: now stop slacking me, jeez
    [FBSD] ******* has changed their name to [FBSD] black.
    LuckyNumberXI: Last thing: don't take credit and brag about shit you totally didn't do. That annoys me.
    [FBSD] black: it annoys me when i say stop and someone still bitches
    [FBSD] black is now Offline.
    LuckyNumberXI: Haha weak man
    [FBSD] black is currently offline, they will receive your message the next time they log in.
    LuckyNumberXI: Can't handle some critisism

    I got kicked out of his friendslist ):

    S A D B O Y S



        oh that's sad to hear


          yeah, just hide you low 4k rating complaining about 5k

          L2P fuuuucktard


            plis unhide mmr :D i wanna see


              Can't only can give you match:


                its even captains mode HAHAHHAHAHAHA
                to get the true mmr for solo ranked All Pick you gotta substract ~500-1000 mmr so not even 4k but 3k nice nice wp wp


                  is this the blackwolf that caused problems on Dotaroot?

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