General Discussion

General DiscussionStuff and Things

Stuff and Things in General Discussion

    Over the next week I will be away visiting the US and won't be able to bring my computer, I am however willing to answer a couple questions and do match analysis while I am vacationing, if you see me on steam from tomorrow just message me with a game or two and I will give you a brief on it.


    Also update on flat: There has been a lot of stuff going on, possibly why I have been stressed in game a lot recently (sorry) and it's hopefully going to be finished before christmas.

    > Wallpaper, Paint stripping
    > Floors and underlay
    > Plastering, and wood repair/restore
    > Bathroom ventilation and new fittings
    > Kitchen appliances

    To Do:

    > Carpeting
    > Painting
    > Furniture and fittings etc.

    Some progress shots:

    Wall repair, so whole flat has this red adobe look now. Some of the work in rooms being done, and before/after shot.

    Floors looked bad and carpet was sticky cause previous tenants were gross hobo's

    Now walls are done and oak flooring installed it feels more homely gg...


      lol shit looked rly bad... go to seattle an get me some dota2 things :D


        what is this ?


          Go make this an Adobe palace biggie


          Este comentário foi editado

            WTF, Havoc is coming to US, which state?

            Dire Wolf

              wtf is that a clothes washing machine in your kitchen? Otherwise that's the strangest dishwasher machine I've seen with a see through panel.


                show us your battle station before going away havoc :o


                  @FyyQ It's just the plasterwork rough, I am going to paint it like a normal house when I get back.

                  @YNIT Texas

                  @Timber here in the UK washing machines are in the kitchen, its normal here.

                  @Sate There is no battle station me and my GF are living out of a single room while the rest of the house gets done, then we move into the rest of the house while the last room gets done. I will post a pick though and also when it's done :)

                  THICC BABY SHUM

                    nice,if it was Cali could have went to some Chinese buffet, i go there every lunch and dinner, i eat a lot, thats y FyyQ has to start another game when i go eat<333

                    Este comentário foi editado
                    Linda | DotaExchange

                      Havoc, where do you live normaly ? London?

                      Also, gl with appartmant, it gonna look so cool, wish i could get gf and live with her :-)


                        @Sate This is where my PC currently resides.....cause idiots can't see the picture

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                        THICC BABY SHUM

                          no pic((


                            Wait for it, it will load.


                              waiting for it

                              NextStep ®

                                You sure love Axe a lot. hah
                                Nice figurine you have there.


                                  17:27 DreamHack: Alliance, want Side or Pick?
                                  17:28 Alliance.Loda.HyperX: yes


                                    idiots u wot m8

                                    that axe is amazing holy shit


                                      I am very envious of your desk space :)

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        In 'murica we have space so we have separate laundry rooms. Actually I should say in suburbs. I'm sure a lot of people in new york still use laundromats.

                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                          havoc, I think u need a bigger screen for all of those apps.