General Discussion

General DiscussionOracle Discussion

Oracle Discussion in General Discussion

    My thoughts: seems like THE most broken support hero, his spells how too much value. He is kind of like Earth Spirit, he can use his spells both on allies and enemies the only difference being that ES disrupts positioning while Oracle disrupt the flow of damage and buffs.
    All Oracle's spells have a cast range greater than 650 (1000 range for his ult) so he isn't ever in danger in fights unless he fucks up and gets jumped on. I can't imagine the furstration we will go through when that hero first enters pubs.


      his mid laning is strong too


        his ulti sounds lol, i understand why they choose an alien for him, again a fuckin hero that shouldnt be in dota
        seems like they have to nerf everyone of his spells


          Oracle is pretty fun and strong hero to play and btw a bad oracle is just like a bad es he can lose u games but in the good hands he is pretty strong i used to play him in d1 the only thing that surely needs a nurf is his ulti cd idk if its done yet ( 9 sec invs 20 sec cd ) i really cant wait for him to come ( btw nightstalker can hard counter him with that silence ) and he is a better mid then support


            He needs several nerfs to his spells and specially his ulti. But knowing Icefrog, he'll probably nerf his BAT first...

            How I invisradianced ur m...

              It maybe depends on how icefrog prefers to play oracle. They also gave silencer 3.0 agi gain so that people play him as a mid/carry. Maybe the BAT will stay at 1.4 (wich is fkin awesome) and his ulti cd or other spells get nerfed. I hope so !

              THICC BABY SHUM

                plz dont add this monster to dota.


                  Hi , you exchange to these things Commons? ?