General Discussion

General DiscussionMore Options For Trends (Time, Avgs, Trendlines)

More Options For Trends (Time, Avgs, Trendlines) in General Discussion

    I love having the ability to view my Trends data over time, as it's a pretty cool metric of how I'm evolving as a player.

    However: Having only Week, Month, and All Time as options limits me a bit in terms of my ability to really gauge how I've done. Week data is often scattered, since a win vs a loss can make the chart look like a rollercoaster. Month data, while a step in the right direction, just doesn't give me quite the window I'd love to look at. Lifetime data is, well... a little dense. If you have more than a year of data, Gold/Exp in particular just becomes a massive block of color, and is difficult to gauge well.

    The obvious solution to my concern is just to add more time options (3 or 6 months, one year for those of us who have been around that long), but I'd love to see some more creative ways to view my data.

    Some ideas:
    - Trend Lines: This would show an overall trend of the data over time, making it a little easier to see if I'm doing better/worse than I was last month.
    - Averages: Either at set timeframes, or a query function that allows us to see, in flat numbers, how we're doing this week as opposed to a year ago.
    - Customizable datasets: Maybe I really want to find out if I'm getting more gold from farming or ganking. Maybe someone mentioned that I get more from engaging in teamfights than from split pushing during them. Maybe I want to see if this is the case for all heroes; if my playstyle on Tinker means I should push instead of try to pick off that lonely support, or if my Nyx should try to look for their jungler instead of their carry.