General Discussion

General Discussion"High skill"

"High skill" in General Discussion


    anonymous attacked again


      looks pretty high skill to me? smth i missed?


        Typical jungle lc complaining that his team couldnt 4v5 while he was afk farming jungle.


          mby get out of the jungle?


            For what ? Suiciding like a n00b cause i can't kill no one and my team doesn't helping me ?
            Yeah, not cool.
            And what teamfight we can do anyway ? We have no damage dealers.
            "But wk!" emp in the face and first target
            "But meepo" stuns in the face and es
            "But techies" yeah, no.
            "but pudge" Dragonclaw without any skill to hooking.

            And anyway, look at their stuns, what would be the point of duel ? What help can i do ? Necro can heal and all can focus me with stuns.
            Get out of jungle ? For what purpose ?

            IVLIVS CAESAR

              don't jungle lc in the first place it's horrible.


                mb dont pick a jungler if your team has heroes like techies, meepo, pudge?
                a support instead of a 5th useless hero would be very good that game.


                  congrats on high skill


                    Means nothing, i'm not a 7k mmr player and i can't win for people which pick worthless hero which are just utilty and play without any help.
                    The game was already done at picks. The only chance to win would be pick something as Faceless or Medusa and lasthitting for 90 mins for TRY to win a game alone.

                    I don't understand why my pick it's bad and the others are so much perfectly for you.
                    Just beacouse i didn't suicide all the times ? I did my job, in fact i was even in the teamfights the most of times, and duelled.

                    NextStep ®

                      Don't ever pick jungler in low skill ranked games. Ez

                      Low Expectations

                        If ur playing a jungle LC your IQ is lower than bread and you deserve to suffer


                          Yep, the only way to win is if you win the game alone, that's the attitude. "We lost at pick phase" is such a defeatist attitude. You have to work with your teammates and work with what you have. Grumbling and pointing fingers means you'll never learn and always pass the blame to someone else. The reason why "trench dota" exist is because every losing team has 5 players and 0 were at fault.



                            NICE TROLLING HAHAAHAHA :^)


                            Most of my won games are by axe


                            Cool story bro, but being serius, everytime i think about a game i think it would longer 40 mins or so. Bla bla bla you would win at 20-30 min beacouse, low mmr and skilled players doesn't allow to beacouse they go istantly go back and farm instead of pushing a little a tower when all are dead. Anyway, If you think they were goods picks and i had to carry 9vs1, i think the one who is wrong is you. 9vs1 midlers here take blames and laughs and now who try to cooperate too ?
                            Almost good players who want cooperate: Win eazy.


                              >? NICE TROLLING HAHAAHAHA :^)

                              LC jungle is shit though, and your skill build is retarded too. it doesn't matter that you have all the sustain in the world with a 0-4-4 build if you farm really slow, which is what happens as a jungle LC. you couldn't farm fast enough because your hero is a shit farmer therefore you couldn't have a fast enough impact before your team started losing because they were fighting 4v5 for too long.

                              whereas if you picked an enigma for example, you could have an 8 minute mek instead of an 8 minute power treads or whatever shit you had at that point.


                                also a good jungle hero is one that the enemy are scared of when they are missing. enchantress is a good example, because she could be smoke ganking with a centaur / troll summoner creep 2 minutes into the game, forcing the opponent to play scared. if theres a jungling LC missing though, who gives 2 shits.


                                  Hatsune Miku would be disappointed in your LC play.


                                    Yeah Andro, Ench and Enigma were the perfect heroes to pick with a 0 coordination team :^)

                                    No giggities?

                                      Still doesnt change the fact that jungling lc is bad

                                      THICC BABY SHUM

                                        enigma can jungle 7 min and get mek and win fights after that lc cant get blink in 7 min and even if did not enough impact.


                                          > Still doesnt change the fact that jungling lc is bad

                                          pretty much, you can't argue against the fact that jungling LC is shit. play her offlane or middle or quit whinging.

                                          THICC BABY SHUM

                                            how can very high skill ppl be so wrong and not know simple dota 2 mechanics times for items ganks and simple staff like that.


                                              I won't even read shit you scrubs wrote.

                                              High-skill games are still thrash, faster you realise that, better for you!

                                              But really now, what do you expect from 3-4-3.6k player?

                                              They still make a lot of mistakes, hell, even 4k players do, so why would you complain about them?

                                              0 fucks give if you can't carry them to the victory, it's not our fucking buisness.

                                              Deal with that u fucking thrash. I hate people like you!

                                              Let's see:

                                              Over 1.9k games, you have on record>

                                              760 FUCKING GPM?

                                              Most of your fucking KDAS are TERRIBLE, so it means you FEED a lot, probably.

                                              Este comentário foi editado

                                                All these comments on this post.......


                                                  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Hey scrub OP, wanna swap me MMRs ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I'm sure you could perform better in an environment with less... pressure ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)



                                                    Check the top heroes oh god supports, what a loser.


                                                      so ? 1 KDA is bad,
                                                      on every hero



                                                        Playing supports is no excuse for bad KDAs yours are all around 1.5-2, and your core KDAs aren't any better 1.5 on drow and DK 2.0 on axe. you should aim for around 3 on supports, and more on cores.

                                                        Also what was the point of this thread, I don't really get it?


                                                          Some games goes good
                                                          Some games not

                                                          Some games they focus you
                                                          Some games you focus them

                                                          If for best kda i have to afk in fountain and wait till the ezy sure kill, it's a little a bullshit.
                                                          And you know, usualy if the game doesn't is so much hard, people enter in the fountain to kill you easly.
                                                          There are games which goes good:
                                                 <- 14.0 kda
                                                 <- 8.2 kda
                                                 <- 13.5 kda

                                                          There are games which goes good:
                                                 <- 0.4 kda
                                                 <- 0.3 kda
                                                 <- 0.1 kda

                                                          And games which are totaly shit cause you were newb:

                                                          This is my first account, didn't you ever tryed heroes without know how to play ? Didn't you start picking X heroes beacouse looks cool ?
                                                          Yeah, that's the case of Drow, Chaos knight and Dragon knight.

                                                          I mean, come on!

                                                          Games waste your KDA but if i realy care about them, i would create a smurf and pick zeus everygame.

                                                          Srsly, take this game from number 12, just for exemple

                                                 <- 28/1

                                                          I mean, come on. This will affect your gameplay but how much a pubstomp in normal skill when your games are high skill and very highskill will be valuable for a good research about how much skilled you are ?

                                                          And i realy sucked a little, lot of abbandons by connection and i'm a little nooby beacouse i didn't played for improve since, idk, 6 months ago ?

                                                            Este comentário foi editado

                                                              ^ I get your point, but I also have games where I fed like hell because I was stacking with players who were more skilled them me, it goes both ways.

                                                              a lot of people are still on their first account, this one isn't a smerf and I have never had a smerf, I am sure tons of other people here have never smerfed.

                                                              KDA doesn't really matter, its only rank and win rate that really mean anything, but not getting killed as often might be a good way for you to win more and increase your rank.


                                                                Yeah, it's thre truth the fact i should die less, but at last i have some decent winrate and i'm focus improving.

                                                                Low Expectations

                                                                  The fact is that you created a QQ thread where you blame shitty teammates when infact it seems that you fit right among them Everyone is telling you the same shit yet you continue to blame ur teammates. If you want to improve start by winning laning stage and not forfeit it by letting your team play 4v5


                                                                    Picking jungle lc in a ranked match? Your the worst type of dota player


                                                                      Your team is just as bad tho techies? In a ranked match with the team comp that u guys had? Just utter garbage picks all around


                                                                        High skill isn't really high skill when I get noobs who use charge at lvl 1 get 12 cs and have a death for every assist