General Discussion

General DiscussionCommon misconception on certain hero counters?

Common misconception on certain hero counters? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Like its normal to think to counter riki you need to pick slardar or gondar right? While nuker aoes I think is a better counter for riki. Thoughts on other heroes?




        People seem to think Pudge counters Sniper, while actually Sniper has a huge advantage in the laning stage. Just watch for hooks, id much rather pick a nuker to just burst Sniper. Don't understand why the pub players seem to think this

        Also on your riki point, i'd honestly rather have Slardar who gives vision and amplifies damage. Saves gold on detection for supports, and his ult can be used on more than just riki or other invis heros.


          and thats why you're still called noob everywhere ^


            when pudge buys smoke and its night, u cant do shit about it.


              @YNIT You need to learn not how to stand still then.


                smoking is bad for ur health

                POG U POG CHAMP

                  gonna smoek now


                    rip. . . . .

                    Dire Wolf

                      Sniper is really more countered by heroes who can close distance and you can't do shit about it with good positioning like PA with blink strike, anti mage, spirit breaker and storm and qop to some extent. I don't consider any of them hard counters except for spirit breaker, but they are not good matchups for sniper. It's that idea though, closing space to get to sniper, that makes people think pudge is a good counter cus sniper's not very mobile and susceptible to hooks so he is quite annoying to play against. But if you lose to a pudge you weren't countered, just outplayed. Void can go either way, if he doesn't ult sniper, sniper can pick him apart inside that chrono as long as he has kept up in farm and really eff up his dmg with headshot procs.

                      I'm not sure about op's question though because a lot of the hard counters are true like viper vs TA, viper vs ursa, AA vs necro, razor vs PA, bloodseeker vs slark.

                      I guess some people consider lifestealer to be a counter vs high hp heroes like pudge and dragon knight while I don't really see it. You counter pudge by playing well and not dieing and not letting him snowball.


                        well there are heroes that just have certain skill set which makes them hard to deal with. like slark for mirana or naix for es or meepo for qop etc etc.

                        doesn't necessarily mean you can't outright outplay your opponents.

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                          pudge actually does counter sniper; snipers immobile and has no escape, meaning if he gets hooked he's dead. snipers entirely positioning reliant, pudge pulls you out of your good positioning, snipers squishy, pudge blows you up, sniper needs farm, pudge kills him while he farms

                          and riki preys on heros that depend on spells for survivability (puck antimage etc) so if you want to counter him pick wraith king or bristle or something i guess. or buy force staves

                          Moja Moja

                            sentries counter riki.


                              AM vs Medusa.


                                I like Spirit Breaker + Dust vs any invis hero.


                                  Sniper rates doenst count since everyday noobs are getting rekt misthinking he's a easy and reliable character

                                  Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

                                    If you check out Dotabuff winrates you find lots of surprising counters, for example Zeus and Sand King being very strong counterpicks against OD.

                                    @burrito, Sniper has better vision and higher range than other heroes, so it's a lot harder to hook him than to hook other heroes.

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                                      does sniper work vs od?

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        It depends on how farmed OD is. With imprison + ult he can blow sniper up before sniper gets many shots off if he catches him out or has a force staff to get close (imprison range is 500 I think). OD is squishy though. It's kind of like vs zeus and qop, if sniper can survive the initial burst he can win cus they are like paper to a farmed sniper. That's why I'll rush s&y vs nukers (well actually I rush s&y vs like everyone on sniper), with s&y you have around 1300 hp at level 16 and that's usually more than other agi carries and enough to survive burst dmg.

                                        And I still don't believe pudge is a direct counter to sniper any more than he counters shadowfiend, drow, or like every nuker without an escape like zeus.

                                        Forgot about the big wraith king counters, nyx, OD, kotl, anti mage all work pretty well. Lion takes too long to drain imo.

                                        Oh I also feel earth shaker is a great counter to lycan and terror blade. His ult does good dmg vs them cus of the minions/illusions but also with a blink and huge range on fissure he is great at catching ratters before they can flee. It's pretty impossible to dodge a good blink fissure combo. Other heroes have to blink almost on top of you but es can blink from fog just anywhere close enough to land fissure.

                                        Este comentário foi editado

                                          Ok just because sniper has a 47% winrate against pudge doesn't mean he's countered by it. Considering how most of you can't win this lane is mind boggling. Is it really that hard to not stand still. You should get all the farm and pudge should have close to none.

                                          Flat is Justice!

                                            you are mistaken oxi, everything counters sniper.

                                            I love playing sniper, and play him decently. But i absolutely hate it when my teammates play him. (fucking first item sb noobs)
                                            But if there is a sniper on the other side, its an almost 100% win for my team.

                                            Most people don't understand how to play a sniper at higher mmr, the moment you show yourself, chances are you'll die.
                                            He takes at least 1-2 core items to deal good dmg and anything still kills him.

                                            As for PUDGE VS SNIPER...
                                            you can look at it this way, pudge typically has enough mana for 2 hooks per minute. If he runs bottle.
                                            One hook on sniper WILL kill him.
                                            Pudge has 12-18 tries to kill sniper as much as wants, till sniper get his enough levels/items to get breathing space.
                                            But even then, any stun or smoke gank will kill him

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                                            THICC BABY SHUM

                                              dsnt matterfsnd still or not, hcan prdict, hook wouldent go through u and miss, it has big aue, and from smoke its almost unddgeble. hook itself will do like 60% of ur hp. pure dmg.

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                "I love playing sniper, and play him decently. But i absolutely hate it when my teammates play him. (fucking first item sb noobs)
                                                But if there is a sniper on the other side, its an almost 100% win for my team."

                                                I feel exactly the same way. People groan so much when I pick sniper too and then I lead them to victory.

                                                Although I don't often sniper mid, a lot of times it's safe lane. That might be another reason people hate him, he's an easy gank target mid. I can avoid pudge hooks and win a lot of mid matchups on sniper or at least get farm and not die, but you can literally be on the tower and anyone with a disable can gank and kill you with mid's help. You sometimes have to retreat all the way to t2.

                                                casual gamer

                                                  The biggest problem for sniper is smoke rotations, dewarding, and high burst heroes. Ideally you get ahead and can get a fast offensive item (maelstrom or something), but losing the early laning phase usually makes the game very hard to recover.

                                                  However, sniper plays about as well as most carries when ahead in gold, and can easily get an early lead if the enemy screws up


                                                    @Timberwolf: "It depends on how farmed OD is. With imprison + ult he can blow sniper up before sniper gets many shots off if he catches him out or has a force staff to get close (imprison range is 500 I think). OD is squishy though."

                                                    Sniper has pretty high int gain so he is most likely not going to be blown up, he would take a fair bit of damage of the OD is well ahead though.