General Discussion

General DiscussionAnti-mage vs other hard carries

Anti-mage vs other hard carries in General Discussion

    How do i beat other hard carries as anti-mage. Other hard carries like phantom assassin, sven, luna, etc.

    In the above game, managed to get ahead in farm + 1 rax and still eventually lost.


      Lost because shit team .. Not ur fault


        Meh, seemed like they had better combo but still... maybe could have sold manta and get bkb/daedalus? Mainly problem was couldn't burst anyone down fast enough in team fight to keep team mates from dying.


          anti-carry AM has a few options - kill them with manta+abyssal or at least burn enough mana to force them back

          against PA i would consider Hex just so that you can burst her down much more effectively, you can drop the MKB since hex disables evasion and guarantees you can burn her pitiful mana pool to zilch in one hex duration.

          alternatively split push, cut waves and piss the living fuck out of them, then tp back and kill the remainder of their team after one or two heroes make a half-assed attempt to teleport back and stop you from cutting waves.

          heart pickup is also abit iffy this game, generally heart is your go-to item when you are assured of winning fights simply by virtue of outlasting your opponents, which was hardly the case this game.

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            I think, the main reason you've lost is overextending the game against incomparable better late game line-up.


              ^^ exactly right

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                Dire Wolf

                  I didn't watch your game but if it lasted over an hour my guess is you guys kept trying to push high ground and failing cus you don't have anything that can push high ground vs a ES + AA combo. You probably needed bkb so you could just dive a tower and get back after bkb wears off, or you needed mirana to do some fucking ranged tower dmg with that deso. Seriously deso and only THREE tower damage?! WTF.

                  So in the case that it's impossible to push high ground you need to split push with AM, you should've gotten a battlefury and split push all their lanes up. But in general anti mage wants games to end around 30-40 mins, the sweet spot where he is 6-slotted with good farm an enemy carries are 3-4 slotted.


                    I really don't know how you can lose against that lineup actually. They have nothing that can catch you if you are out of position other than a well executed chain stun by es/sven, but sven has no blink dagger so you can blink out easily if you get fissured before sven gets in range.

                    You should be cutting waves when the enemy team is trying to push. This gets less effective late game since they are strong enough to do a lot of damage with only one creep wave though.

                    You sold treads and battlefury, so this reduces your dps by a fuck ton, and you can't rat down creep waves quickly. What I get from this game is that it was played wrong (like trying to fight them head on during their push instead of creep cutting or forcing 1 to tp back), not that antimage can't out carry a pa or sven.

                    You have to also be looking for your own pick offs. I'd constantly be looking for a pick off on sven since you can drain all his mana in one abyssal duration, at which point he's helpless and you can kill him

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                      Sven eats am
                      I think am can ouy carry pa


                        ^^ This is true only if Sven can stun AM 1st and keep him stunlocked with the help of his team. Otherwise, you blink the fuck out and wait for god's strength to wear out then kill him. Also, Abysal is very strong.


                          Also, my thoughts on Magina.

                          He's pretty much my favourite hero but he is weak as fuck compared to other carries who don't need all that baby sitting and can be effective without too many items.

                          He lacks any sort of teamfight potential (no stun/slow/nuke), the only thing he has is mana void which is the kind of spell you use in the middle/end of a fight that can be used to clean up bit still doesn't help your team get an advantage. (most useful skills are those than can help you initiate first, not cleanup)

                          In order to make AM more early/mid game oriented his skill set would pretty much need some rework, especially his passive, I really think they should just make him have 50% magic resistance by default and add a new skill instead of mana shield.


                            I don't think sven is good against AM at all. Unless sven has a blink and crits, am won't die. Once I get an abyssal on am, I'll be happy to blink in and solo kill a sven with manta+abyssal. I think sven's mana pool is less than doom's, and you can solo kill doom easily.

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                              wtf am is one of the strongest carries in lane and 1v1 offlane situations

                              Flat is Justice!

                                even with the current meta, am still gets picked a few times in competitve
                                which shows how strong a blink carry is ...even with his terrible terrible starting stats/skills

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                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                  u shouldent pick am vs 3 hard carrys, pick some pushing hero like chen and finish in 30 min or meepo or lycan


                                    I think am needs rework on his spell shield maybe make it an active that gives ur allies the spell shield for 10 secs with 60 sec cd or something

                                    And maybe his ulti make it something like his ulti stuns more if it do low damage or if it doesnt do alot of damage it drains 60%/70%/80% of the current mana ?


                                      @rambo u know sven with mom bkb daed can at max 4 hit am ? If am gets hexed he wont wake up and if it goes ultra late sven can always grab hex or abyssal and rape that am ? I would love am to blink at me when im sven so i have free 6 secs to kill him manta illusions takes 2 hits and bkb make mana break useless u blink manta he bkb stun ulti and 4 hits 3 if he crits with mom he will be able to take u down before u blink and his bonus armour / ms make it even easier + sven buffs his team and splash all ur team while u have to kill his team 1 by 1 and do nothing aoe except if a retarded storm zip to ur team with 0 mana which wont happen and even then still sven will rape ur team before u rape his ofc in these cases it all depends on the other heroes but still the only reason i would say am is better then sven is his flash farm


                                        ^ and you know AM with Manta Abyssal can burn Sven to 0 mana easily unless Sven has a Linken's or Skadi? Good luck catching AM with 0 mana.

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                                          late game remove manta (chicken eventually), and keep power tread, you are faster than hasted people ....

                                          Also at some point, if you get caught, tarasque or not you gonna die, so you may prefer linken very late in game (or an additional dps item (but beware blademail then)

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                                          Sōu ka

                                            i think a common mistake on am is thinking if i get a heart and have my passive i dont die and i dont need a bkb
                                            but actually having uptime after blink+manta+abyssal is super fucking important and enables you to get a good ulti target, too most of the time (they can stun illusions but thats not always good/ worth it)

                                            am takes up a lot of space so quite often you will feel like you are the only one doing anything which also mean that the majority of the abilities can be thrown at you and if you dont have bkb you might not even manage to kill anyone
                                            am is really strong when he picks up abyssal (probably not that much against pa though/ the item is very good but the hero matchup isnt good to begin with)

                                            switching out treads for bots is really questionable as well as you really dont have much attackspeed

                                            i mean for all i know you could have had a bkb that game that you dropped when it was down to 5 secs and you only bought bots to join a fight after buyback


                                              @zenoth u know mana burn doesnt work thro bkb?


                                                ^ antimage can burn ur all ur mana while ur stunned from abyssal, just saying. svens mana pool is shit. 3 attacks from illusions+am = 576 mana, and 3 attacks each is an underestimate


                                                That doom had about 1000 mana I think or 1200. At the end of the game I caught him out alone, jumped on him and used abyssal and manta, I think he had less than 200 mana by the time the stun wore off.

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                                                  yeah obviously why would an AM initiate on a BKBed sven

                                                  sven lacks mobility unless he commits one item slot to it (blink/shadowblade) unlike AM who can easily jump him if he's pushing alone, and has multiple chances to do so. if AM doesnt want to waste time trying to jump sven he can easily outpush sven too.

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                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                    People should stop thinking AM is a "hard" carry. He is a carry, but his main strenght is his farming speed. What you need to do is end the game when you are 6 slotted and the enemy carry is still 4 or 5 at most. If you delay the game any longer, you will have passives that have static numbers (64 mana every hit no matter how farmed you are) and they aren't even that useful in the late game.

                                                    Sōu ka

                                                      doesnt matter what they think
                                                      thinking hes a hard carry or not you say you have to get 6 slotted and then it doesnt matter what you call it and the more you think you have to farm the faster you should get it

                                                      the way ive seen him played in comp right now was to take advantage of how good the hero is at fighting with bkb or abyssal finished (not opting for heart or butterfly early) at a really good timing as well as being good at split pushing as well as at fighting so that it's really hard to react to it


                                                        At what time is AM done farming?..........................

                                                        3 AM

                                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                                          ISNT ANTIMAGE GAY?