General Discussion

General DiscussionSven through dominator+armlet rather than throug mask of madness

Sven through dominator+armlet rather than throug mask of madness in General Discussion

    What do you think about this itembuild?


      I'm pretty sure that's how people were playing Sven until they stopped reasoning "Mask of Madness = shit item".
      Yeah, there was a time when MoM was a pretty infamous item.


        I think you will almost always get BKB on sven so you will negate the MoM debuff; on the other hand, you could take Dominator to stack camps and later upgrade into Satanic

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          make HoD early use it to stack ancients/big camp, dominate and Alfa wolf, blue oger or healing goblin solo rosh with them. then disassemble HoD to make a MoM and armlet farm BKB, win.

          Miku Plays

            wasnt armlet sven a thing back in dota1 ?


              I don't like MoM + Armlet Sven, I think your HP is going to drop way to quick. I mean MoM is insanely good and almost a must I feel, other than wrecking team fights, the MS is super handy and your farm rate is crazy. I'd much rather have MoM + BKB and/or a dagger in there somewhere.

              My only game with sven on this account is actually the worst thing ever. Mag lands a brilliant 5 man RP, I've got MoM + Buriza + ulti + EMP all up, I'm right fkn there to clean up. Clock has other ideas as he hookshots in and uses cogs...genius


                Armlet was technically good on any hero in Dota 1 because it gave you infinite life barring quickly ticking DOTs/lag because it had no cooldown and instant hp heal.




                    This eskimole guy posts " Nice" in all threads :D

                    i got to add him in my fr list :D

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                      or, you could get dominator, stack the ancient three times then disassemble it into Mom+Armlet -edit- someone suggested it before me

                      anyway i've been playing around with armlet+MoM and it's a ridiculously strong build, makes you farm incredible fast while being extremely cost efficient.

                      armlet+heart+skadi is a nice build, gives you 4.5k hp and 2k crits if you get a daedalus on top of it


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                        @Zenoth, would you mind linking some examples? Like perfect Sven game and OK game?



                          this game was coming back from a 20k gold deficit thanks to the efficiency of armlet+MoM despite facing a broodmother lane

                          sold the armlet eventually for bfly though because WK was chopping me too hard and i was the only one who could tank him

                          -edit- yeah zeus carried us through too it was incredible

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                            Ty Zenoth will watch it later! Holy fuck that zeus did a lot of dmg


                              wouldnt it be better to just get a mom and early blink so you can go for more kills early on? might just be me i guess