General Discussion

General DiscussionYou know how sometimes...

You know how sometimes... in General Discussion

    you're in top condition and play your best but you lose?

    then the next game you play like a retard and win?

    sometimes its depressing. /tear


      after running a monte carlo simulation on derived formulas, if you play at your true level consistently without tilting the maximum fluctuation is +- 400. take that into consideration, in the short term games can be determined plenty by luck.


        look at my recent 2 games LOL, that is EXACTLY what u just said


          how did u die 14 times with ta in 30 minutes


            3 man gank mid 5 times in 10 minutes or something like that space cow kept charging me

            i was still 50/12 against 27/1 at 10 minutes but can't do much against constant rotations + dives

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              sometimes theres just limits to what a person can do on his own

              i guess luck having a minor influence is what makes dota so interesting...


                that doesn't explain ur red page, you're probably tilting or something


                  i had the best scores in all those games :|

                  21-2-7, 35-10-22, 12-3-6 and etc.

                  i don't think its tilt, if anything the rage is making me focus more but eh its a 5 stack with a bunch of my casual friends against tryhards, the result is expected


                    I think i havent had that feeling since Im playing as the lowest mmr player in the stack I play in



                      Tryhard in *high skill* are u trolling me or what? (don't tell me you're in high skill because u stacked with ur friends thats not an excuse)

                      I glanced through ur 21/2 invoker game stats and you could have built a necro into sheepstick and ended the game early or something, soul booster + dagger doesn't even make sense

                      As for your 8/2 invoker game, building a bloodstone

                      Just by glancing through those 2 games I can tell that games are like AI_BOT and you're just not playing well enough dude.

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                        now that you mention monte carlo i should rly run it :D


                          Trolling what?

                          Bloodstone is a snowbally item and I got it precisely because I was playing better than everyone and the respawn time benefited me? Are you the type of player who thinks a higher MMR player always has to win?

                          Uhh well sorry, I guess I'm the type of 4.6k solo mmr player who loses <3.7k rated parties. I don't find it weird at all. My teammates were 3k players laning against people several hundred MMR higher than them. I was an QE Invoker with low lane influence, am I suppose to magically win the 3 lanes?

                          Dude, you've got some ego issues.


                            dat lose streak tho..:/




                                yeah but them 1v5 fights and big plays cuz I was fat was fun, not winning took quite a bit of the satisfaction away but some of those games were quite satisfying


                                  patience.. good days are coming


                                    You must be mentally challenged to think of bloodstone as a *snowball* item for invoker.
                                    Granted not every time a higher mmr player has to win, however, with your stupid item builds I wouldn't be surprised that u lost and I aren't even looking into your game mechanics.

                                    QE invokers are still able to make a big impact in the game, you clearly have no idea what you're whining about.

                                    It's just whenever I see people posting retarded stuff online and blaming their team when obviously its your fault lmao that I feel a need to enlighten you.


                                      Well objectively speaking no 5k+ invoker player that I know of would get that build

                                      Also stacking with worse teammates is not an excuse because as long as you play like your rating you still have an even chance of winning by virtue of how much you should outskill the enemy team on average.

                                      If a 4k player stacks with 4 2ks the games are even as long as he plays like a 4k, if he plays like a 3.5k his stats will still look comparably good but it wont be enough to win the game.

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                                        when i stack with my lower rated friends and say "let me mid im 4k" they laugh at me and think i got like 2900-3300 rating like them :D,sometimes i even gotta support in those games :DDD not even mad


                                          op: "then the next game you play like a retard and win?"

                                 "It's just whenever I see people posting retarded stuff online and blaming their team when obviously its your fault lmao that I feel a need to enlighten you."

                                          this thread was never about blaming my team, it was made right after I got carried after playing horribly on an alt. Like I said, you have some major issues. QE Invokers impact the mid game onwards, I said laning phase??

                                          but whatever, you're tunnel visioning here and I really don't want to waste any more time after this last response. Feel free to think what you want because I have no idea why you got angry or annoyed in the first place considering the topic of the thread is extremely neutral.

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                                            Clearly not blaming his team after all the above posts , u must be autistic really to not even be able to read your own posts yourself smaug v2?

                                            "The hero I play can't do shit at X phase of the game" represents at least half of the posters over here who are delusional and are merely using it as an excuse for being bad. Clearly doesn't know how to play invoker to give so many shit excuses.

                                            I'm just more amused than annoyed seeing a new smaug pop up