General Discussion

General Discussionphotoshop

photoshop in General Discussion
Linda | DotaExchange

    Does anyone knows to work in Photoshop ( not sick skills, just need few background changes ), and has time to do that for me?

    I want to do by myself, but my laptop wouldn't be able to run it, and pc is resting on some better place.

    Este tópico foi editado

      i used to work in photoshop to do logo backgrounds and forum signatures lol, but that was 1-2 years ago, idk if i still know how to do it, plus i dont have ps installed. what do u need, mb if u dont find anyone i can do it

      Linda | DotaExchange

        it is like i am standing in front of brick wall ( which is black and white ) and i just need to lets say change to some colour. I am currently trying to do that in gimp, if I am unable to do it, i will ask you for help.




            can you post the pic here?


              I'm using photoshop at work, 6 years experience

              Linda | DotaExchange


                this sick editing :3


                  told ya ^



                      I AM GOOD VERY AT PAINT


                        who needs photoshop when you have paint ahuehue

                        Linda | DotaExchange

                          LMAO, that HD picture :3


                            go skype with mokujin he looks like her:D he has no beard :DD :D:D :DD :D :



                              ctrl+u to change colors

                              Linda | DotaExchange

                                So basically, i select a place i want to change color, and ctrl + u ?

                                only that?

                                Linda | DotaExchange

                                  Damn DD sama, i skiped your answer -_-



                                    Linda | DotaExchange

                                      If i need something in future, i will pm you over steam :)