General Discussion

General DiscussionMATRICE

MATRICE in General Discussion

    hey matrice i really like ur play style and was wondering what ur reasoning is behind the jugg build. I understand the maelstrom yasha for farming and blink is great for omni, but why no aghs? Is aghs not that great on jugg? why no refresher? is abyssal necessary when u can kill the target during omni?


      with his build your ulti still does massive dmg because of the high aspd that gets in hits but you are still useful and hit like a truck when your ult is on cd

      while aghs/refresh build makes your ult stronger, it means you have a longer downtime and basically just a walking ult, more situational as well as there might be creeps or your ult doesnt hit your target blabla


        i think he asked matrice not a fuckin random 3k.

        Ples Mercy

          If you have a decent amount of attackspeed you hit in between the slashes. Aghs is not that bad since it does provice jugg with some nice and important stuff like bigger mana pool, health and stuff but matrice loves glass canon builds. He loves to get damage over health anytime.



            Aghs is shit on jug. Sure, stats are nice but its upgrade is mediocre at best. It falls off too quickly, which means that you have to get it asap, the problem is that aghs is shit as a farming tool so you have to get a farming item before, delaying its impact. On top of that you're still investing 4200 gold in a rng based ult that doesn't scale well into lategame, and that doesn't boost your rightclick (and therefore your teamfight presence) by much. I'd rather have any item that makes me strong at any point of the game rather than one rng-based that COULD make me strong every 70 seconds.
            If you want the stats just get a skadi which gives you a lot of presence during your ult and teamfights.


              mael strom is not for farming, it's too make mjolnir, a decent dps item that give the most attack speed, yasha is for moving :p

              Agah is trash, unless you can win the game by just casting ultimate.
              Abyssal is to kill people 1v1 without ult (or stun ghost carrier).

              Refresher would be my 7th :)
              But the thing is, refresher is not valuable in my first 6 slot, since i want to make kill without ult aswell, and i will lack dps if i've it at that moment, especially since i've to build dagger.

              (i didn't made the math behind his ultimate, but from what i saw, my build make 1 hit/slash, and each hit really hurt a lot, since i've choosen damage over agah -remember you can still hit when ult is over, and on disabled target (like stunned by an hit during omnislash) auto attack > omnislash in terms of damage

              Edit: sy > skady, more damage, more as and more ms :p
              If you want to start to tank as jugg, thus making skady more relevant, then, you need bkb aswell + no dagger, and mb even going for cuirasse instead of butter, well you are cutting mb by half the dps output, and still have to rely heavily on healing ward, but cann't protect it more

              Este comentário foi editado

                matrice mind getting db+ so i can study your yurnero games without actually watching? pls get db+ thx


                  One last question hhaha do u think with this build juggernaut can out carry like a spectre considering highest attack speed and 2nd best critical?


                    idk about matrice but with full build including the basher jugger can solo anyone :D (mby not troll)


                      they carry their team by different way,
                      spectre lose 1v1 to any not-teamfight carry anyway (and win all teamfight against them ^^), you don't need to make a special build with jugg to fuck spectre 1v1.

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        Jugg crit is actually kind of the best crit because it gives you %135 damage and while PA ulti gives %152.5 damage it is way more unreliable and is an ultimate. Also Aghs is shit on Jugg, people only get it to end the game in 25 minutes but if it fails then you are just a walking ultimate with no damage afterwards. Dagger though I think is only good with Aghs.


                          if you have enough right click dmg with a stunlock, say abyssal, its not bad.