General Discussion

General DiscussionEU WEST Team looking for a 5th player!

EU WEST Team looking for a 5th player! in General Discussion

    We are a strong lineup of players who are looking to enter tournaments and scrims to win as much as we can. We are all between 4.2-4.7k MMR, and everytime we stack together we climb. Our 5 stack is currently undefeated over 11 games, however our 5th guy is our weakest and is not officially part of the team.

    Our current lineup (in order of position):

    1. Deity - Carry/backup support - United Kingdom
    2. Wiaken - Mid/Carry backup - Sweden
    3. Dr. Jay - Offlane/Jungler/Support - Denmark
    4. Alras - Support/backup mid - Denmark
    5. This could be you

    What we need:

    We need a player who is over 4k MMR, willing to practice most evenings, more so over weekends, and especially sundays when tournaments are held. We need you to be dedicated to the game, obviously people have jobs, family and social lives, that's fine. But we need you to be able to play at least once a day.

    Ideally we would like a 4/5 or offlane position for our team. If you prove to be a better carry than myself, or a better position than our current players, we have no problem shifting. However, after many, many tedious attempts to find a carry or mid player that is as consistent as our current players, we feel it is unlikely we will find any. We don't want a pub stomp, mid lord to apply for the team. It's a team, no rambos, no glory hunters. We are here to try hard, win and improve.

    If you would like to apply for the team, please do one of two things, or both.

    1. Send me a friend request on steam, i will accept, and ask you if you are applying for the team, just reply yes or no and i'll invite you to a try out game

    2. Reply to me on this thread, you can add as much or as little detail as you want, if i do not invite you to a game, it means you did not provide me with enough details on yourself as a player, or you do not meet our criteria.

    I look forward to hearing from you all!

    Ples Mercy

      Well.... I am better than your mid, how do i know? Well i have him in my friendslist.

      Here is the issue tho, i am an arrogant mid playing glory rambo lord of doom, that literally wants to destroy the enemyteam 1v5. Therefore i wish you good luck with your search.


        Thankyou Mr Blunt, have a nice day.

        bum farto

          I'll play with you till you find a permanent member, or see how it goes. I am always looking for team practice so won't pass up the opportunity.


            We are a strong lineup
            We are all between 4.2-4.7k MMR

            Stopped reading right there


              That's fine EJ, we are looking for team players not pub stompers. Have a nice day.

              Ples Mercy

                You know, the typical 4k trash, i'm sure they will get very far [IMG][/IMG]


                  Well to be honest you will improve a lot faster if you play semi serious in a team as opposed to just spamming pubs. Who knows when they will kick your ass Blunt. :crazy:


                    I'm quite sure they would kick blunt's ass even now :^)

                    Ples Mercy

                      The day they will kick my ass is the same day that i will be the king of england, which is...never.

                      I think i would love to see them play in tournaments tho. I would love to see how their dreams just get crushed in front of their face ;3


                        ^ there are some low stakes tournaments that 4k "trash" would stand a chance in, especially if they actually spent time practicing team coordination.


                          Add me ill be on in 6 hrs or so

                          4.6k mmr if u think its a over rated smurf i can show my main who is 4.6k too anyway add me if uwant

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