General Discussion

General DiscussionIf dota was a movie, who would be the protagonists?

If dota was a movie, who would be the protagonists? in General Discussion

    Sniper definitely on the good guy side, probably a hired gun.

    Invoker would make for an epic final boss.

    playinginursockdrawer mm soc

      Riki is the cameraman.


        Imagine it like Sin City/Snatch/Pulp Fiction with no central character.
        Axe would be Bruce Willis, Uma Thurman Crystal Maiden, Travolta as Beastmaster and Samuel L. Jackson would be Slark because both were OP.


          fucking mokujin go to sleep its too late old lady with vanilla cigs huehuehue


            I'm trying to have a serious discussion here adn this FyyQer is always posting his offtopic shit in every thread, report him pls OP!!!1111

            आप गे क्यों

              doge QQing again, typical doge


                Wisp as narrator


                  What a huge cluster fuck that film would be. Main character would be sven

                  Ples Mercy

                    prob. am, invoker final villain.

                    All other heroes around that shit, like Windrunner dead wife, Venge some kind of miniboss, meepo the shopkeepers around the 'World of doto' etc.

                    Hatsune Miku

                      We get a side story for LC and Terrorblade war

                      Ples Mercy

                        More like LC and doom.

                        kanye went to uni

                          wonder what techies would be. he could be the dirty arab from the last of the old bond movies or maybe he's some chiselled white guy who dies for his country or some shit

                          Ples Mercy

                            He could be the funny sidekick.

                            Linda | DotaExchange

                              I think wc3 movie would be way , way better.


                                they are making wc3 movie already.

                                Este comentário foi editado
                                bum farto

                                  Yeah, they have been making it for ages, and typical Blizzard have been taking their sweet time. The story will be about lothar and the battles with durotar though, and not about Arthas as people assumed.



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                                    Techies best comedic relief.


                                      Dragon Knight would be the best protagonist. While Doom/Pit Lord must be the boss villain.


                                        Protagonist? I dunno, but the Grandpa should be Kotl of the Light

                                        Linda | DotaExchange

                                          WHAT THE HELL?

                                          2016? Really? Come on pff

                                          bum farto

                                            I have been following it since it was suggested as a rumor in the WC mills in 2009 so count yourself lucky you only have to wait a year and a half.

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              Dude it's been a rumor since like world of warcraft came out. Finally have a date. I wonder if they even started filming yet though, it's so far ahead. I think the issue was finding a director to commit plus writers. I'll bet they've revised the script a billion times.

                                              A dota movie would make no sense though as it's this eternal struggle between the two dire and radiant elements. All the lore is disjointed, everyone shows up to fight these battles but they aren't permanent. Like there would be no plot that is meaningful. Unless you focused on an origin story for a couple characters only, some that interact. Like flesh out the lore between skywrath and venge and I think sniper hunts them too right? Or you could write a story about lifestealer's origin how he was a thief and got possessed by this mage guy. But actual dota gameplay doesn't make any sense.

                                              Sugar Show

                                                Natures as the cool guy who save the good guy at end when everything explodes .
                                                Jakiro as the boss who contracts a group of mercenaries for save his wife but at end his waifu dies by jakiro's double personality !
                                                Sven as the guy who sell weapons.
                                                Lycan as the crazy guy who lives in the forest alone.
                                                Qop as the wh@re.
                                                Treant as random tree.
                                                Axe as the old guy who teach others about how to fight vs the final boss.
                                                Darkseer as the evil Boss' Right Hand Man.
                                                Techies as comedic who at end he sacrifices himself to save the mission in a dramatic scene.
                                                Rastha as a bad cop.
                                                Chen as country guy.
                                                Rubick as typical hi-tech hacker guy.
                                                Riki as the guy who everybody hates after he kills one of the good boys.
                                                Wisp as the Asian who nobody understand.
                                                Crystal as the chick.
                                                Windrunner as the ginger who help the guys and fakes her death for come later with data about the evil boss location
                                                Good boys: Invoker, Earth spirit, Ember Spirit, terror blade (Enemy Spy), Bloodseker,
                                                Bad boys: Lion, Elder titan ,earth shaker, davion, Storm spirit(Good boys Spy), Sniper, Legion commander.
                                                Final boss Phantom lancer's family.


                                                  "meepo the shopkeepers around the 'World of doto' etc"

                                                  Is this some kind of Pokemon joke? (Every single town having the same looking, but not really the same officers and nurses).

                                                  KOTL: That creepy old man who gives vague hints which actually tell the whole plot but nobody listens to him.


                                                    Check this out guys, the cast of the Warcraft movie is available

                                                    Este comentário foi editado
                                                    Linda | DotaExchange

                                                      Ive heard about movie, but i always thought it was around World of Warcraft ( as in MMORPG ), and not old wc3.

                                                      But yea, still need to wait less then you :3


                                                        Haha havoc took words out of my mouth.
                                                        I was still playing warcraft big back then.

                                                        Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                          movie gonna suck like Mario, Prince of Persia, Mortal Kombat and and all the games to live action movies. Instead of 2 hour non-stop action it's gonna be like 1 1/2 of 2 guys talking in a dark room and then 30 mintues of fast action CGI, with a cliffhanger of course for part 2. Or they could pull a harry potter and make the movie into 2 parts for more profit, better yet make a movie for each expansion pack like LOTR, Spiderman, Avengers etc...

                                                          "Samuel L. Jackson would be Slark because both were OP."
                                                          Are you kidding me? Samuel L. Jackson is Disruptor! Have you even played dota?

                                                          Games that turned into Movies that sucked:

                                                          - Super Mario Bros. sucked
                                                          - Resident Evil (all of them) sucked
                                                          - House of the Dead sucked
                                                          - Silent Hill sucked
                                                          - Laura Croft: Tomb Raider 1 & 2 sucked
                                                          - Double Dragon sucked
                                                          - Mortal Kombat 1 & 2 sucked
                                                          - Street Fighter (both of ‘em) sucked

                                                          Este comentário foi editado
                                                          Sōu ka

                                                            the main character would have to be someone whos in every game
                                                            so either the shopkeeper, roshan or slark
                                                            go fuck yourselves slark pickers!!!


                                                              The narrator would obviously be the Shopkeeper.


                                                                I would rather see a show to be perfectly honest. It would probably be an exploration of lore or following one hero as he allies or battles the other heroes. The main hero would have to be Sven since he is very basic. He would fight more epic enemies, like Shadow Demon, Shadow Fiend, Razor, Enigma, Chaos Knight, Doom etc. And would have allies like Drow Ranger, Windranger, the Spirits, Skywrath Mage etc. I would watch this every day.