General Discussion

General Discussionhow to play elder titan?

how to play elder titan? in General Discussion
Kamado Kun

    i really like that hero, his skills and his model, but for some reason i never pick him cause i think there is a better pick. so , what role is he best at? as support should i be ganking or just help my carry farm, how can i harass early game cause the range is so small and his mana is low?


      I haven't played much of him but usually in ganks I cast the ghost thing to the enemy and walk over to a (possible) escape route and stomp them to sleep. Gets them every time.

        get drum asap, get bm, mom then rape your enemy to death xD


          From my experience elder titan sucks if you are playing alone(solo queue), he relies too much on his team for everything


            you offlane, with SR you can spam spirit, and you hit like a truck with those bonuses + your aura. mid-late, in competitive you are usually starved so u just spam spirit in base and send it out, you can easily kill the wave before it reaches your base/tower if you time it properly.

            Otherwise you can initate or counter initiate with your spirit + stun, very good against void (stay back though) before he buys BKB, his ultimate is pretty nasty too. Your build won't matter much if you are starved, maybe just get auras/utility, if you can go in fights, BM/BKB/AC, still picking up generic items like Hex is good, Refresher is great too.


              refresher is good, but aura item more better since can support its mates also. Really truck hero -_


                also refresher orb is too expensive. But worth it actually :D

                Flat is Justice!

                  i wont recommend elder titan at your skill cap, why? Hes alot like wisp, he functions as a scout with spirit and a HUGE debuff with his aura. But his potential is hard to bring out without timing with teammates and even in 5k mmr ranked, people dont pull off such teamwork with strangers.

                  Same reason why you dont see mirana+sd, wisp+anything, elder titan+combo do well in solo queues.


                    ET is amazing - under played imo. Spirit stomp is super easy - also Spirit provides debuff aura if im not mistaken. Extremely long range hero.

                    All about timing - if you can judge timing on stuns well you should have no problem landing his ult.

                    Two main combos depending on enemy hero positions. If you have a lead stunner/initiator lead with your ult then spirit stomp/ same with counter initiating. Ult is a great way to put the breaks on the enemy team.

                    If you are going in first lead with spirit then when team comes to help save your stomp then ult when slept. I find myself leading with ult a lot because it just stops any kind of initiation on allies. BBOOOOM

                    Also something to note about his ult. Normally people can see it coming so its easy to dodge without a stun. However once earth splitter reaches maximum range it goes off. Thats what I use to time his ult. The very ending of the fracture on the ground is the focus point kind of like shooting arrows with potm by clicking past the opponent. If you use his ult in fog and aim just the ending of the fracture on the oppenent they have much less time to react because by the time they see it the fracture is already close to maximum range.

                    Este comentário foi editado

                      im surprised you like this shitty gay hero

                      Dire Wolf

                        Main issue I have with him is your control minions hotkey won't select his spirit. Is there a hotkey to select the spirit when it's out?


                          save him with control groups (should work). and then he should always be associated with that control group


                            Cant you just group the spirit? like courier or anything else?