General Discussion

General DiscussionIf You Had To Vote For The Most Annoying DOTA 2 Hero Ever.

If You Had To Vote For The Most Annoying DOTA 2 Hero Ever. in General Discussion
:) Baby Bushkin :)

    I'm curious of who you guys think the most annoying heroe is. That heroe that when picked you think "obviously" or "please don't pick that hero" that hero even if you play well with them yourself they still annoy you. Nothing serious, just some lighthearted discussion :) i'm kinda intrigued to what heroes the more skilled players find annoying in contrast to the lower skill players and see if both groups dislike the same heroes. :)

    I had a top 25 that i hate but i narrowed it down to 10 then down to 5 then 3 then 1 haha and it had to be... Phantom Lancer.


      Anyone with a bash(er). Lame mechanics.
      I hate random. If something is better in LoL, it is lack of randomness. Too bad it is shitty game overall.

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      [DFG] Whale King

        Right now? Razor


          100% earth spirit


            50min PL annoying as hell, but I don't know, maybe a Earth Spirit in the right hands


              Razor Od and when laning against silencer

              :) Baby Bushkin :)

                @LicecolonyDotaExchange I love Razor i spammed him for ages but i prefer other heroes now, i'm starting to like Ogre Magi and Clockwerk rather than Razor.

                @FollowTheReaper Never played with Earth Spirit and iv'e never seen him get picked in over 500 games so i couldn't say but from what iv'e seen in death match and stuff like that, he's not exactly the most liked hero haha

                @Kael Silencer is one of those heroes i wish i was good with to be honest, more importantly he wasn't on my top 25 list for most hated haha

                @EfextoideSpirit Phantom Lancer i hate.. but i played as Ogre Magi and we won, we was winning so bad the Phantom Lancer rage quit haha made my night but well played to all the others it was a good game

                [DFG] Whale King

                  9PLASM, if you're planning to get really good at a hero, I recommend it be one with depth... like earth, ember, storm, TA, puck... not Silencer, Viper, or something absolutely crazy boring like OD


                    Who wants to learn od he's absolutely trash same wit earth puck

                    [DFG] Whale King

                      A earth or puck in the good hands is incredibly fun and rewarding. A person who may spam OD for about 3000 matches would learn how to use his imprisonment and Ult really well... but those arent very flexible. Basically, the skill ceiling isn't as high.



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                            I hate Silencer, I can deal with any other hero. But laning against Silencer is awful

                            Fleece Johnson, Booty War...

                              Mirana is the fucking worst thing ever to happen to Dota.

                              Let me level with you for a minute: Getting nuked is kind of like the Dota equivalent of getting sucker-punched, or maybe quickly getting the shit kicked out of you by three or four guys. Getting stunned is kind of like getting tazed. Getting arrowed is like being beaten half to death and then put into a fucking coma.

                              Mirana is worse than 6.81 Void on many levels.


                                it's so annoying to play with or against him,

                                Flat is Justice!

                                  anyone with a mic and spam nonsense is the hero i hate the most

                                  Linda | DotaExchange

                                    Gambler ofc .

                                    Now, brew probably


                                      Nevermore and Slark. I have particularly bad luck with these heroes as my team normally turn into cowards* when they are enemies or they completely suck when they are in my team. Very rarely it's the other way around.

                                      Mirana players in general are the most toxic shit ever. The hero itself is super annoying because it makes the laning stage a pain, no matter what team she's in, and ends up being useless most of the doesn't help at all when they constantly unpause games where someone dced (to try to snag a free kill) or trashtalk both teams.

                                      Heroes who are annoying by themselves...I guess Slark, Viper, Lich and Silencer.

                                      * "contains offensive language or a banned term" :D


                                        earth spirit, phantom lancer, skywrath

                                        Game is hard!


                                          :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                            @NotSoCuteOwel obviously haha that void would be picked, the only annoying thing about him is most people don't want to play with him yet their team tells somebody to always pick him.....

                                            @RandomSalad i knew Skywrath would come up sooner or later, he's in my top 25 most hated and annoying

                                            @LK.ZANO Viper annoys the f**K out of me, one of the best mids in my opinion though, but i really like Lich, played my first game with him so can't shell out to much hate on him ;)

                                            @LindaDOTAEXCHANGE Brew Master was in my top 25 but i usually find most people who pick him don't know how to play him effectively especially the idiots who use their ultimate and then run away.......

                                            @DEDEsana Oh hell no! i really like DOOM i don't think he's annoying at all, i wish i was better with him, but i can see how experienced players would find him irritating.

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                                            Dire Wolf

                                              Techies. Pudge. There are no others even close.


                                                earth spirit.
                                                no doubt


                                                  razor viper panda

                                                  :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                                    @Timberwolf techies and pudge made my top 25 but he didn't make my top 10, i find pudge if you can control him rather than play into him he becomes more of a hindrance then help, plus most of them are rage quitters who'll give up if you press them.

                                                    @Allison I honestly don't get Earth Spirit i can't find him annoying because he's never been picked against me and iv'e never played as him.

                                                    @BeanoDotaExchange Tusk i don't find annoying but he comes across as more of a hindrance then a help he's always in the way and always uses his snowball ability at the wrong time.. so yeah actually you're right he is annoying hahaha. I spammed Razor for ages and if Enigma or Rubick wasn't on the game then Razor would be my favorite so i can't hate on him or find him annoying.


                                                      A decent mirana sucks, utilizing smoke and being in areas where arrows really shouldn't come from,

                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                        Dude btw you don't have to reply to everybody, most of them won't read it anyway.


                                                          Slark - snowball king
                                                          silencer e z press R win

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                                                          Linda | DotaExchange

                                                            As Sam said, most of them post and bye , bye.

                                                            Also, i know to play with brew somewhat, but that hero is just to much for me.

                                                            On the other hand, es haven't made me any problems, probably due notnplaying vs skilled one.

                                                            :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                                              @SamFuckinPeckinpah I know hahaha i was thinking that myself but i do it incase somebody does read it and thinks "Bastard didn't reply to me" haha


                                                                I read ur replys :D

                                                                :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                                                  @EfextoideSpirit YAY! Dota Buff friend haha


                                                                    I do read if someone replies to me, even if it takes me 2 to 3 days to notice it.

                                                                    Even though Lich is my most played hero, I don't like him that much. He can get boring and he's really annoying to deal with. In fact, I pick him a lot to not have to deal with him and also because he's the best hero to play when you are having some lag issues.


                                                                      I don't know, most of all Lancer, then Void and PA

                                                                      :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                                                        LK.Zano I really like Lich but you are correct there isn't much to him, plus he'd still be fine with only his ultimate and frost blast which is also kinda annoying.

                                                                        @Igotagun I played as PA for the first time today and we won but i didn't play that well. Phantom Lancer is simply an absurd hero no argument and obviously hahaha everybody hates Void ;)


                                                                          The most annoying hero is Ogre magi: When you play him he never seems to multicast. When you play against him, all he seems to do is 3/4x you.

                                                                          Henrik | Handbanana

                                                                            Sniper! Cuz he is a stupid pub hero that everyone insists on playing and most ppl just suck at. played against a sniper I am SO glad wasnt on my team! he went armlet... And this other time i played two games in a row with the same random dude who went sniper both games and stacked hyperstones. no stats or dmg, just attackspeed. horrible! also hate everything that has to do with shadowblade that is not furion


                                                                              potm hands down


                                                                                Earth, Pudge, Earthshaker, Techies.

                                                                                Slow Hands

                                                                                  Slark at the moment, well ever since his ult got changed for some stupid reason so you can't even reveal him with truesight. Combine that with sb and him healing quick as shit when not in vision and he's constantly coming back for more, just a nightmare to vs if you're on support.

                                                                                  Let alone his ability to debuff stuns and shit, nothing more frustrating then when you have something like a Mirana arrow hit him and he debuffs it straight away...

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