General Discussion

General DiscussionHoly shit i finally did it!

Holy shit i finally did it! in General Discussion
Ples Mercy

    Just wanted to take the time and tell you guys, I'm 86th @ Meepo Rankings.

    Now all hail the master.


      Grats. Tell me how to quickcast all my meepos when I select all other units to my main one. or something. LOL

      jk I'm never playing Meepo again, I just chose to play Meepo so I could get it over with with my stack buddies. It was very fun playing with two meepos, but only two :P

      Ples Mercy

        Well, then just don't skill ultimate and get aghs, problem solved [IMG][/IMG]



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            Tss diamond 9 peasant, jk. Gz!

            Ples Mercy

              How the hell do i get diamond 10 btw?

              It took devlish a 7,4k solo MMR rating to get his [IMG][/IMG]


                WP I want top 100 on meepo so bad lol

                Ples Mercy

                  Then work for it, like i did ;3


                    Stack with four high MMR players. All of a sudden, you are diamond 10


                      hey blunt one of my friends studying psychology in cambridge would like to have a word with you and your second ego known as "notsocuteowl", do you mind answering his questions? please no killerino yourself, it'll help him get his masters in one way or another. he'll pay you if you accept it since you're helping him out.

                      again, please dont kill urself just yet :)

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                        If you can casually tell someone to kill themselves because you're protected by the internet, it clearly shows what sort of trash you are.


                          gratz you try hard meepo player ;)



                            Ples Mercy

                              Oh boy the little swedish shit is still here :D

                              Did mommy let you on your PC today? Isn't it annoying for her to clean up the drool you're leaving behind?

                              Oh btw, are you on the hero rankings....ohhhhhhhhhhhh yeah...... butthurt cuz you are banned from heroes ranklist.......HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

                              and, i'm who now? Get your head out of your ass.


                              I'm neo.

                              Guess that a common meepo build proves everything, btw i'm n0tail too. And Devilish. Damn, all those accounts.

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                                "mom jokes", racist insults, typical 12 year old outburst on the internet

                                nah you and notsocuteowl write in the same way and you're both from denmark on the same ip, what a coincidence, lets not forget you two have the similar item builds on other heroes too

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                                kanye went to uni

                                  how did you comment on a locked thread

                                  Ples Mercy

                                    Oh he mad.

                                    Mom joke? Racist insult? Oh boy delusion. I write the same way as notsocuteowl and you personally visited him to confirm that he is from denmark. Damn, building similair items on heroes proves that i am pretty much 50% of dota population.

                                    Swedish kid logic.

                                    But since you are stupid and suffer from an incurable desease i will just tell you this:


                                      im not talking about item build order, im talking about your item order in your inventory stash.
                                      rofl... ADHD boys

                                      Ples Mercy

                                        that would be around 35%.

                                        It's ike saying, OMFG HE BUILD PT INTO BF INTO MANTA ON AM, MUST BE SAME PERSON.

                                        stupid kids these days.

                                        Game is hard!

                                          Hello me.

                                          Ples Mercy

                                            Jan, fuck af. Jeg er sulten din røvhul, gå til spar og køb noget til at spise.

                                            Game is hard!

                                              Ok chef.

                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                Internet fights will definitely get you somewhere


                                                  how do u do kappa :(((

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                                                        Este comentário foi editado
                                                        Low Expectations

                                                          Still behind Xan


                                                            xan rapes on meep


                                                              working for it is about all the fun I get these days :D 20 positions from yesterday