General Discussion

General DiscussionEU west better than US east?

EU west better than US east? in General Discussion

    I started queuing there because US east has been experiencing extreme packet losses. EU hasnt been as bad(I still only see mirana arrows 1/3rd of the time though) but at least the connection is consistent.

    However, there is a HUGE attitude difference. I started my first couple games being defensive, referring to everyone as assholes, etc. Standard US dota procedure. Immediately I was rightfully flamed for being the toxic one. I began to warm up and appreciated that everyone spoke English, they were all reasonable and despite the recent losses I've had, I have no complaints about teammates not trying. Everyone has tried in every game I've played in EU.

    TL;DR; EU is friendly, they speak english and I don't know how to handle it.

    THICC BABY SHUM depends where u live, they are same servers no difference.

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        how same.. ? ofc there are differences, maybe not so huge as he described (also based only on 10 matches)
        different country = different people, attitude


          9/10 games in US east have flamers that feed or bait someone into feeding, ruining the game. 1/10 of the games have great personalities and you hope those games aren't stomps so you can enjoy it.

          Every single game I've played in EU has had people who ALL try. No one gives up. 22k gold comeback was a thing I did in that server on dusa, and I can't imagine a comeback like that on USeast, my team would have given up at first rax. Sure I got stomped yesterday, but I have no qualms with my teammates. I lost four games and not a one of them can be blamed on a single person.

          Anyone else play both servers and experience this? My love for the game exploded the other day when I realized there were those kinds of people playing the game. Been playing since just before batrider was released in dota1 and this is literally the first time I've had such a pleasant time in years playing the game.


            every server has flamers, u just got unlucky.


              or you can just play in a stack with friends and have fun, no need to change the server for that :P


                IDK YNIT you gotta play on US east in very high to experience it, it's really really really really bad. One or two games in the morning could shoot your whole day- 1 hour of effort just for Josue from NYC to decide at the 55 minute mark that hes had enough of people blocking his hooks and hes gonna forcestaff our warlock forward so he dies before his ult goes off and we lose. In EU that shit just doesn't seem to happen on this skill level.


                  Sometimes I wanna have fun while trying hard before my friends get online. It just sucks the server with <20 ping is unbearable because no one speaks english, and if they do they're so mad at the "peruvian" in their last game that they hold team hostage in pick phase as the others try to pick around what the asshole wants only for the asswipe to double pick mid and blow it, feeding and claiming no fault.

                  :) Baby Bushkin :)

                    EU West is better, i'm from England where DOTA 2 isn't that big, most people play on the same level, we speak the same language, the games are always friendly, i've played with Germans, Belgians, Dutch, French and Spanish people and we always play games that are fun and worth while, there's a sense of respect between the players and there's no trash talking or being rude mean or disrespectful. The US servers are usually full of rage quitters or extremely arrogant wannabe professionals (no disrespect) and the Russian servers are just so awful and rude to each other, i genuinely dislike playing with the Russians for in one game they paused it on and off for 15 minutes so they could shout at each other. You play in EU West there's a lot of people who spam the same hero and there's a lot of beginners and learners but they always have fun and they always try their best which i always thought made for better games, stick to EU West :)


                      I normally play with friends, so I don't get these issues, but lately I've been playing solo queue again and I can confirm that US east is full of people who give up in the first 15 mins.


                        In the past two weeks I don't think I have had anyone giving up (USE)


                          ^ Your definitely one lucky s.o.b

                          Imo US East probably has the most people who just don't give a fuck about anything


                            I've been playing solo, with 2 stacks, 3 stacks, 4 stacks and 5 stacks on USE for the past week or so. Anyone outside the stack would give up/throw/troll/flame/blame everyone else but themselves. This shit is real and needs to stop.

                            EZ MID 9k mmr

                              5k US = 4k EU

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                              bum farto

                                ^ TIL I am higher ranked than Avidity :3

                                EZ MID 9k mmr


                                  Pretty much.