General Discussion

General Discussionwhy all the hate

why all the hate in General Discussion

    To the players that play 1 hero o.o?


      well there is hate because it is a toxic community which loves to hate...

      however, spamming a hero is a bit naff and is generally done just to inflate your MMR and ego.

      the game is a lot richer than knowing one hero exclusively and i've a lot more respect for the opinions of someone who plays a lot of heroes than a slark/invoker spammer even if they have similar MMRs.

      you're also ruining a lot of the challenge of pick/counter-pick and hero synergies.

      as i say, basically a bit naff.

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        the thing about spamming one hero is that it may make you able to only play that certain hero on your current mmr.

        aka, it inflates it in a way.


          The only thing i hate its not really hate but anyway the ppl who plays one hero doesnt have even basic knowledge about the other heroes or some of them but i kinda respect ppl who play one hero alot while playing other heroes from time to time aka attacker i kinda like that guy not saying he is the only guy like that


            Heroes are not always good. So, if you're slam-picking a hero every game, there are going to be a lot of games where your hero does absolutely nothing to the enemy team. Or you can wait and slam-pick it later, but then it might not have any synergy with your team.

            PINGU NIDEPIGU

              IMO all players are only capable of being good at a handful of heroes before being "rusty"


                I think it's more because of some of these guys going around thinking and claiming they are v good just because they have a few thousand games on that hero while not proving their capabilities through high mmr.

                If they don't boast I am quite sure most ppl wouldn't have a problem with them. To be honest ppl have differing opinions regarding hero pick. Some they just love the hero so much that they rather not play dota than to not get to play that hero. While some just wants to inflate their mmr without fun. While some love to pick different hero's for fun. Some like to pick many hero's to learn. Or some are just so good they win with any hero.

                game is bad

                  It's better to be good at a few heroes than to suck at a big range of heroes.

                  Sister Fister

                    I love playing Slark and I am not boasting, but as soon as I say/ask something in regard to player rankings people immediately assume that I'm doing it to brag(?) just because I happen to take a spot in the top, which is immediately treated with negativity as most people just can't stand to let the day go by without trying their best to prove that being in the top is a system flaw and that in fact you are not entitled to be there. I don't always ignore that shit, but at the same time I don't care much either, so it's fine in the end.


                      Do you hide in the bushes at night and randomly jump on people?

                      Sister Fister

                        ^ No, I never gank people during night since I play Dota.

                        BTW, my first 1v1 ever just a few minutes ago:


                          @666mmr well I have seen that 4 page discussion but never really read the entire thing so I am.unsure of who started attacking who. But having played like 6k games I am sure that you will know how toxic the dota community have always been. It's pretty pointless trying to prove your point because ppl will never accept it and will go all out to put you down. Then what? A very simple solution is to just stop replying. Be the first one to stop. You said you love plating slarrk, so just play it and who cares about what others say? Like come on it's just words on the Internet.

                          But one thing is this, I have read some of your replies and others in that thread and i have to say you are wrong in the tone you use. This is wjat causes a lot of ppl to.immediately attack you regardless of whether you were right to begin with or not. U Shdnt give the excuse of "others insult me so I shd insult back, or I should state my stand strongly". Having played dota so long I am sure you know it's pointless. The argument goes no where. Everyone is trying to protect their ego, but as a result it just creates a lot of unnecessary arguments as well as time spent typing all those stuff. Just leave it, don't bother replying to ppl if all you all want to do is to argue.

                          (just a side note I seriously have no idea who is right to Begin with. Never read the details at the start. Nor am I a dota pro to know.much. I am just saying how pointless so many of the arguments are regardless of who was right to begin with...)

                          Sister Fister

                            Arguing or debating online or wherever is never pointless as long as relevant statements are being made (regardless of accompanying insults, which I consider spice anyway) because it could help improving or correcting personal opinion upon discussed matter. Of course, that never works if you're participating for the sole purpose of interfering and stirring shit up.

                            I am playing this game for 2 years (21st of December, 2012 being the first time I have ever played Dota) and I must say that it is extremely captivating, not because of the game itself, but due to the opportunities it provides to interact with people in a particular manner (especially the one which requires team-play through communication). Toxic or not, Russians or Peruvians, it's all part of the Dota landscape which I have embraced and continue to experience.

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                              It's amazing how they can stand playing the same hero for 2000 games. I get sick before I hit even 200.


                                Ahh, but 666, stirring shit up is my speaciallity. (pardon my misspellings)

                                However, the down side is that your hero pool is not that wide, and you are bunked down into a "hero player" not a "role"

                                I'm an iniator, so I start teamfights. You play slark for over 2k games, you're a slark player. I have a hefty hand book on how to deal with your kind, starting with Phoenix. Now if you were a "ganker" player, not only would you be good with slark, but you would be good with mirana, pudge, and other gankers, or even roaming supports.

                                All your profile shows you is that you''re good at one thing and that thing is slark. That makes people looke bad no matter what hero it is. I've been playing for two years now too, but I never want to stick with one hero for too long.

                                Sister Fister

                                  "I'm an iniator, so I start teamfights. You play slark for over 2k games, you're a slark player. I have a hefty hand book on how to deal with your kind, starting with Phoenix. Now if you were a "ganker" player, not only would you be good with slark, but you would be good with mirana, pudge, and other gankers, or even roaming supports."

                                  :DD what?

                                  First of all it's not "over 2k games", it's over 6k games, unless you think 4k games is to be neglected, and secondly, I have played Slark in ways you could not possibly imagine- and I'm not referring to a specific role. Role-wise, over 80% of my games are played solo offlane, the rest being a mixture of everything else (dual offlane, mid, solo/dual/tri lane safelane, roaming/ganking at lvl 1-2, support, pusher). There's hardly any new circumstances, early game differences are just slight variations to me.

                                  While you might now how to deal with me, I know how to deal with almost everything else. The mistakes I am making aren't even mistakes since I am anticipating almost all of them, the outcome being determined only by my will to risk in doing something, and I do like to play risky more often than not because being able to get out of difficult situations or to deal with team is what makes me be as good as I (personally) think I am.

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                                  Bot Tyrone

                                    if you were actually that good with slark, you would easily be 7k

                                    Sister Fister

                                      Right, because playing the most disadvantaged role (solo offlane in contrast to safelaning with supports which don't use spells to fuck up farm just because they feel like most of the time) automatically turns a 5v5 game into godmode vs 5+the occasional retarded team mates, thus sky-rocketing to 7k. You're pulling mmr values out of your ass and assume a player is good only if he has that particular mmr. If I want to increase my chances to reaching higher mmr, I would have to stop first picking slark, to get a decent safelane (in terms of support) almost every game and to simply pick AM/Void which are notorious for how ridiculously easy it is to win as once you get a couple items.

                                      Bot Tyrone

                                        Yeah, you just happen to be that one player in the position to fuck up the other carry, solo offlane is still generally a core position as far as pubs go. How am I pulling mmr values out of my ass? Slark is probably the most OP pub hero in the game at the moment other than meepo, lets see your comment:

                                        >I have played Slark in ways you could not possibly imagine
                                        I really don't know why you thought this actually meant anything, but you obviously believe that this offers some kind of value which is why you mentioned it.

                                        >While you might now how to deal with me, I know how to deal with almost everything else.

                                        >The mistakes I am making aren't even mistakes since I am anticipating almost all of them, the outcome being determined only by my will to risk in doing something,

                                        The moment you start believing crap like that is probably the time that you should start seeking help. Again, you are playing one of the top pub heroes in the game at the moment, you are what, barely 5k, with a 49% win rate in ranked VH matches. You are far from the best slark in the world, and well away from a position where people would seek your advice. Get over yourself.

                                        Sister Fister

                                          I'm fairly decent the way I am, never said that I am the best slark in the world, didn't even suggest it, and I still think that I am "as good as I (personally) think I am" after viewing several top slark players games which didn't reveal some breaking perspective to me. So yeah, I am familiar with my own experiences more than you are, and until you actually say something relevant related to style and technique, I will continue ignoring stupid statements as "if you were actually that good with slark, you would easily be 7k".

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                                          Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

                                            The biggest issue is that as soon as someone sees my many games on OD they assume I was bragging although I really just posted that I played a lot of games as OD as it is kind of relevant. Furthermore, no one-hero-picker picks the hero to boast his ego or inflate his MMR, that would be utterly stupid, because picking only 1 hero does exactly the opposite. The reason why I and others pick only the one hero is simply because we totally like to play that hero and just feel uncomfortable playing other heroes. Also, at least for me, a lot of perfectionism comes into play. I don't want to start playing a different hero before I reached my goals with this hero.

                                            Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

                                              "if you were actually that good with slark, you would easily be 7k"

                                              XDDD Guy with 100 games played talking about how ez it is to get 7k MMR. Get real man.

                                              Welt aus Eis

                                                There's no problem with spamming a hero, but it's a bit annoying to see that you guys actually think you belong to the top100

                                                Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

                                                  It's a bit annoying that you guys - despite having absolutely no slightest clue how it is to only play 1 hero - believe you know exactly how it is and that we don't belong there.

                                                  "oh he played the hero 3000 times, I'm sure he has no clue about how to play that hero". Ridiculous.

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                                                  Welt aus Eis

                                                    I have over 400 Tinker games overall, I play lots of other heroes but I know a bit about spamming a hero. It doesn't change anything.

                                                    Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

                                                      400 games of Tinker is pretty pathetic amount. And you play lots of other heroes, so you actually got to choose which hero you're going to play. You just have absolutely no clue. You don't know how I play, you don't know how Slark plays, you don't know what Fundamental Attribution Error or Spectator Bias is, but you think you know everything.
                                                      It just hurts to see somone constantly fooling himself without even noticing it.

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                                                      Welt aus Eis

                                                        Yes, I'm the new Einsten. I actually have an IQ of 300.

                                                        Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

                                                          ^ Strong counterarguments here. TIL whenever you don't have any counterarguments, you just distract from the topic.

                                                          You're not trying to argue. You don't want to get convinced. You don't want to realize how the situation actually is. You stick so tight to your opinion, nothing in the world could ever change it. Introspection illusion and Confirmation Bias at its finest.

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                                                          Welt aus Eis

                                                            It's funny because the whole basis of your argumentation is "you guys can't KNOW if I'm top100 or not" "you guys can't KNOW if I'm a better OD than RTZ or not" but when defending yourself you state things like you're sure of it without having any evidence to support it.
                                                            But w/e I'm just wasting time here, you're clearly as good as Black, the statistics show it. The statistics also show it's impossible to have good winrate with only a hero when solo queueing (devilish getting 7.3k with Meepo and Pirate's winrate are fake winrates made up by Dotabuff conspiracy crew).

                                                            Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

                                                              "It's funny because the whole basis of your argumentation is "you guys can't KNOW if I'm top100 or not" "you guys can't KNOW if I'm a better OD than RTZ or not" but when defending yourself you state things like you're sure of it without having any evidence to support it."

                                                              This is a simple lie. I have come with dozens of evidence, I haven't claimed that I would be a better player than Arteezy, all I did was say the truth, that Arteezy makes mistakes, something that you don't like to hear apparently and thus need to whiteknight about.

                                                              "But w/e I'm just wasting time here, you're clearly as good as Black, the statistics show it. The statistics also show it's impossible to have good winrate with only a hero when solo queueing (devilish getting 7.3k with Meepo and Pirate's winrate are fake winrates made up by Dotabuff conspiracy crew)."

                                                              You're using 0% logic and 100% "this is my opinion thus it's right lololol" in your argumentations. I thoroughly explained why winrate doesn't matter and only MMR does, and you keep ignoring all those arguments. Then you go over statistics thinking that they were some kind of facts that weren't open for interpretation. Your conclusions from some player having a high winrate is that player is good.

                                                              However, you completely failed to ever explain why high winrate means the player is good, and how you're going to solve the problem that winrate can't endlessly increase.

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                                                              Welt aus Eis

                                                                I talk about statistics -> You say it's my opinion
                                                                The mentioned players are 6k+ while you're barely 5k afaik -> You say MMR is what really matters


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                                                                Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

                                                                  ^ I am 5k due to playing OD. They are 6k+ by not playing OD. Do you see the issue maybe?


                                                                    ^ !attacker is over 6k with kunkka what ur ganna say ? Kunkka is op?

                                                                    Welt aus Eis

                                                                      Attacker actually got to 6.8k when he was spamming Kunkka.


                                                                        I played against him once and yes i can confirm i saw him at 6.8k


                                                                          omg Avidity's Gif made my fucking day

                                                                          Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

                                                                            I respect attacker and I refuse to discredit him by saying anything about a hero that I haven't played enough to judge it.

                                                                            But Kunkka is not OD. And Attacker is still proving my point. There is a certain limit in MMR you can get. And once you get it your winrate will normalize back to 50%.
                                                                            Attacker has reached that point apparently some time ago already, his winrate on Kunkka this month is only 46% (omg what a noob? /sarcasm) and him being ranked #8 on the ranking after a few professionals such as (surprise!) Black confirms my critics about the ranking. Especially since he got almost 1000 games on the hero heavily influencing his rating (or inflating as you claim). So if the number of Matches played would actually be removed from the ranking, he would probably not even be in the top 100 anymore.
                                                                            That's how you imagine the ratings?

                                                                            Thanks for this awesome example.

                                                                            Este comentário foi editado
                                                                            Welt aus Eis

                                                                              umm after he got 6.8k he stopped spamming Kunkka and started randoming and streaming...


                                                                                Ur ganna say about every hero that he is not od lol
                                                                                i respect ur od and the time u played it but if u deserve 6k or 7k mmr u would get it then ur wr will be near 50% and ur not better then rtz and dendi and it doesnt need a proof tbh


                                                                                  And what rofl said

                                                                                  Sister Fister

                                                                                    I suspect OP is mentally challenged.

                                                                                    Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

                                                                                      It is pretty irrelevant what rofl said, especially as it is wrong, he played Kunkka most of his games in this month, more than 50 games, so his winrate is kinda accurate.

                                                                                      "Ur ganna say about every hero that he is not od lol "

                                                                                      Congrats you almost understood the point. Because in fact every hero is not OD. Just because you can win a game with Lycan doesn't mean you could have picked Io instead and won just as easily. Heroes in Dota differ very greatly from another, you can see it on their pub winrates, how they differ almost 30%-values from another. So, unless you find a player who managed to get 6k by spamming OD, there is simply no proof that it is technically possible.
                                                                                      And yes, I agree that it is a nice theory, I mean, else I would have already changed to other heroes if I thought that task was impossible.
                                                                                      But it's a theory, not a fact. Nobody knows - not even you - if it is technically possible. People believe in god. Other people believe in spamming OD until you have 7k MMR. gOD knows what's right.

                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!